Modding resource apperarence ratio (in C3C)


Nov 22, 2001
I'm not much of a modder, but I think there are to many resources even in C3C. My question is how many resources per player you get for a given appearence ratio number. The only info you get in c3cedit help is that a number of 160 means 2 resources per player in a 8 player game. Does it mean 80 would gnerate 1 resource per player? Would 160 generate 2 resourceses per player regardless of the total number of players? Does anyone know the formula so I don't have to generate random maps and count the resources manually?
i know that it is player dependant (you are not going to have 4 of each resource for 2 civs). it just increases the amount of resources per player.
Yea that's what I think to, that makes most sense and what the helpfile says. But the helpfile proved to be wrong in another place. It says a number of 160 generates generates 2 resources/player in a 8 player game which would make 16 r:s. But when i tried it out it turned out to be only 12. And its really tiresome to make random makes and count the resources manually just to figure out the formula so I hoped that anyone at this forum might know.
you get slightly less resources if you have C3C. I think you get 1/3 less or something like that
the help file was done after a Great Beer Binge. Check it out yourself.

Go to the Index tab, and click on "notyoueither" and you'll see the reason so many entries in the "help" file are so cryptic or worse...

Cheers. Can't blame 'em...
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