Mouse not responsive over specialists in city screen


Oct 30, 2009
North Wales, UK

Apologies if this is not related to BUG...

In my BUG based mod I have added some additional city specialist types but have noticed that even though they appear on the city screen with the +/- buttons appearing as appropriate I cannot click on the buttons of the 8th+ specialists to change the number and the normal hovertext does not appear.

The image below shows that the 7th specialist from the bottom of the list (merchant) works and that the +/- icons for the 8th (priest) are shown.

The priest specialist however does not respond to the mouse. The hovertext does not show and clicking on the +/- buttons has no effect. The existing priest specialists were added using AI Autoplay. I can remove the priest specialists by working an additional tile, which updates the list properly so the display appears to be working fine.

I have my code in a local svn and when I restore to a revision with only 1 additional specialist I get the same behaviour, in that the first 7 (from the bottom) work but the 8th and above are unresponsive.

Is there somewhere in the python that defines the clickable area?

Given that BUG has added a working 7th specialist I am assuming that there is something in the BUG code that enabled that. I can't see anything obvious in the, but as Python isn't my strong point I am probably just missing it.
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