Multiplayer AI difficulty setting


Jun 3, 2006
Sorry to ask such a noobish question, but this is really frustraiting me. I'm trying to play a LAN game with 2 other friends and we would like to set the computers to harder than Noble difficulty, but the column is greyed out and I can find no way to change it. I can change the difficulty for the individual players, but as I understand it, that just handicaps us. I want the computer to play smarter, not make my towns more difficult to manage.
I'm hopeing that there is some simple solution that has eluded me so far.... thanks for any help.
RevlisLost said:
I want the computer to play smarter

Honestly, I don't think raising the difficulty level ever makes the AI play smarter, it just gives them more advantages in terms of free units at start, etc. :)

To answer your question ... I'm not sure that you can do what you are asking, your best bet may be to venture into the GameSpy lobby with your friends and open up your game to more players instead of relying on the AI to be viable opponents.
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