Multiplayer start


Jul 12, 2008
i read somewhere that your very first three builds should be something like worker, worker, settler. but im guessing that wont work in a mulitplayer map with decently close opponents (not seperated by continents or huge map). What should your first few city builds be in a multiplayer game. A link to a guide or previous thread would be nice.
worker, worker, settler is not good opening. It may work some time, but it depends on the situation. If you feel safe, even worker, worker, worker, settler will work, but it again depends. On the situation, on the game speed.

Here are some articles about starting strategy on quick speed:,696.0.html,6404.0.html,528.0.html

Check out the whole forum though- there are some really good players sharing their knowledge about MP.
This guide is written solely for single player. Worker, worker, settler or worker, worker, worker, settler will get you killed most of the time in multiplayer games. Beside this it is good start assuming you have forests to chop the workers and the settler. As you maybe read in the guide, the power of chopping diminishes as the development speed increase i.e. - if you are playing marathon, it is most powerful, on quick, not so much.

Chopping forest output depends also on the speed - it is 20 for quick and 30 for normal without Mathematics. With Math, it increase with 50%.
oh thanks didnt nottice that
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