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Multiple array questions (for corporation like building effect)

Ran into some more vaguely related issues.

Do new commerce types need to be added anywhere other than the enums file and the XML commerce infos file? After attempting to actually use these bonus related changes large scale on several buildings, I keep getting an error this error when loading with a debug DLL (The game loads and runs mostly o.k., but this is a new issue):

Expression:  (iNumSibs <= NUM_COMMERCE_TYPES)
Message:  For loop iterator is greater than array size

Currently I have 6 commerce types in these two files, and 6 commerce types in the enums file, (an extra commerce line somewhere in the XML seems unlikely, since copy-paste was used to add most of the lines. Even if that is the issue, though, I'd rather check here to make sure first.)

(I'm mainly asking because of an extremely annoying bug where palaces, one of the buildings I set up to have these bonuses, produces a large amount of extra commerce, even if I than remove all of the extra commerce from bonus effects. It's been an extremely hard bug to figure out at the moment, and doesn't seems to have an obvious source, so am starting from some of the other stuff that has been changed.)
Turns out that's where the commerce issue seems to have been from.

Also, turns out the "extra mana" bug came from something mentioned earlier in the thread, that I glossed over and thought was solved while reading it. Should probably have paid more attention that time.
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