My Civ Custom Art/Some Text Isn't Working


Mar 30, 2017
So I've been interested in creating my own custom civilization for a while, and found a tutorial on Youtube called "Civ 6 How to make your own leader and civ (With Template)". Just google search it to find it... anyway, I've been following it and I am able to enter the game using it, which is nice and all, but my custom icons/art and some text doesn't work.

All custom icons appear as question marks, the loading screen shows Teddy Roosevelt, and when I click on my question-mark icon in the top right in-game, it shows Cleopatra on a black background.

In addition, my leader's and civ's trait descriptions do not work. It shows LOC_blahblahblah where it should show regular text.

I first made a comment on the video asking for help, and the uploader responded to my first question, but hasn't responded about the errors that I'm having yet, so I thought I would post on this forum and see if anyone else has had problems like this with their own mods, and/or knows how to fix it.

Right now, I'm just looking for reasons why this could happen. Maybe it's a mistake in the video tutorial. Maybe someone had the same problem as me and can share what they did to fix it, which is why I haven't posted my code yet. (it's a pain to do, long story why)
What does your Database.log say? You can find it in your \My Games\Sid Meier's Civilization VI\Logs (if you are on Windows)
I looked at it already and didn't see anything, but I just looked at it again now after opening a game as my civ, and the only error is "no such table: Types" in the unique building's file, which I'm assuming has nothing to do with art or text, since the only info in that file is the building. However, the building shows up in the Civilopedia so I'm assuming it works fine, which is kind of weird since it shows an error?
Just made a new civilization today and I'm having the same problem with the art.

It's been a month and I still haven't figured out why it isn't working.

Database.log shows nothing related to art whatsoever.

If anyone has ANY ideas, your help will be greatly appreciated. Thanks
Which method did you use to load your art/icons? Importing .dds files directly in modinfo or using tex-xlp(-artdef) method?
If it's latter please upload your Mod.Art file, should be missing entries in this file.
I used a Youtube tutorial and downloaded the provided template to use. I changed the file names of each art file because the art file names were generic like ICON_CIV_CUSTOM, so I changed it to have my civilization name instead of CIV_CUSTOM. I used ctrl-f (the one that finds text and allows you to change it) to make sure code written as ICON_CIV_CUSTOM had the updated name and had the same name as my icons.

After doing that I just edited the art files to create my own custom art/icons.

Because I used a template, I don't know what method was used to load the art/icons.

I might as well just post the entire mod file, I have no idea which files to upload because I don't know where the problem actually is:

Yes, I am trying to make Andorra.
I used a Youtube tutorial and downloaded the provided template to use. I changed the file names of each art file because the art file names were generic like ICON_CIV_CUSTOM, so I changed it to have my civilization name instead of CIV_CUSTOM. I used ctrl-f (the one that finds text and allows you to change it) to make sure code written as ICON_CIV_CUSTOM had the updated name and had the same name as my icons.

After doing that I just edited the art files to create my own custom art/icons.

Because I used a template, I don't know what method was used to load the art/icons.

I might as well just post the entire mod file, I have no idea which files to upload because I don't know where the problem actually is:

Yes, I am trying to make Andorra.
Just quickly looking at your code, it seems the template you are using is a hybrid of dds import and xlp package. Which I don't recommend. Well, I hate importing dds files directly anyway, but some people prefer its convenience.

In your Mod.Art.xml under <gameLibraries> you have nothing associated under "UITexture" and "LeaderFallback", that's why neither your leader fallback is loaded (Cleopatra shows up) nor loading screen portrait (then Teddy shows up). You need to add these:
            <libraryName text="LeaderFallback"/>
                <Element text="LeaderFallbacks"/>
            <libraryName text="UITexture"/>
                <Element text="UI/Icons"/>
                <Element text="UILeaders"/>
                <Element text="UI/Shell_Loading"/>
                <Element text="UI_LeaderScenes"/>
To explain what's under UI: UI/Icons are for Icons, UILeaders for leader portraits, UI/Shell_Loading for background image of your loading screen, and UI_LeaderScenes for diplomacy screen background.
I see you also created Icons.xlp already, so you don't have to use "" in your Icons.xml. Instead, just "ICON_ROGER_BERNARD_256" and make sure entries here match what you entered in the xlp file.

Finally, in your modinfo (or debug-properies in modbuddy), add <File>(Mod Art Dependency File)</File> to both FrontEndActionData and InGameActionData. And you can delete all the .tex and .dds files in modinfo since they are already packaged as blp files.

Hope this would help you.
Just quickly looking at your code, it seems the template you are using is a hybrid of dds import and xlp package. Which I don't recommend. Well, I hate importing dds files directly anyway, but some people prefer its convenience.

In your Mod.Art.xml under <gameLibraries> you have nothing associated under "UITexture" and "LeaderFallback", that's why neither your leader fallback is loaded (Cleopatra shows up) nor loading screen portrait (then Teddy shows up). You need to add these:
            <libraryName text="LeaderFallback"/>
                <Element text="LeaderFallbacks"/>
            <libraryName text="UITexture"/>
                <Element text="UI/Icons"/>
                <Element text="UILeaders"/>
                <Element text="UI/Shell_Loading"/>
                <Element text="UI_LeaderScenes"/>
To explain what's under UI: UI/Icons are for Icons, UILeaders for leader portraits, UI/Shell_Loading for background image of your loading screen, and UI_LeaderScenes for diplomacy screen background.
I see you also created Icons.xlp already, so you don't have to use "" in your Icons.xml. Instead, just "ICON_ROGER_BERNARD_256" and make sure entries here match what you entered in the xlp file.

Finally, in your modinfo (or debug-properies in modbuddy), add <File>(Mod Art Dependency File)</File> to both FrontEndActionData and InGameActionData. And you can delete all the .tex and .dds files in modinfo since they are already packaged as blp files.

Hope this would help you.

Quite useful piece of information.
Also, another method of importing your .dds files is to follow the steps outlined here
Then updating the Mod.Art.xml as @FurionHuang has explained above.
Just quickly looking at your code, it seems the template you are using is a hybrid of dds import and xlp package. Which I don't recommend. Well, I hate importing dds files directly anyway, but some people prefer its convenience.

In your Mod.Art.xml under <gameLibraries> you have nothing associated under "UITexture" and "LeaderFallback", that's why neither your leader fallback is loaded (Cleopatra shows up) nor loading screen portrait (then Teddy shows up). You need to add these:
            <libraryName text="LeaderFallback"/>
                <Element text="LeaderFallbacks"/>
            <libraryName text="UITexture"/>
                <Element text="UI/Icons"/>
                <Element text="UILeaders"/>
                <Element text="UI/Shell_Loading"/>
                <Element text="UI_LeaderScenes"/>
To explain what's under UI: UI/Icons are for Icons, UILeaders for leader portraits, UI/Shell_Loading for background image of your loading screen, and UI_LeaderScenes for diplomacy screen background.
I see you also created Icons.xlp already, so you don't have to use "" in your Icons.xml. Instead, just "ICON_ROGER_BERNARD_256" and make sure entries here match what you entered in the xlp file.

Finally, in your modinfo (or debug-properies in modbuddy), add <File>(Mod Art Dependency File)</File> to both FrontEndActionData and InGameActionData. And you can delete all the .tex and .dds files in modinfo since they are already packaged as blp files.

Hope this would help you.
Thanks for your help, quick question, will this all still work if I don't delete .tex and .dds files in modinfo? I'm reluctant to do it because I don't want to start deleting stuff and not be able to add it back.

Unfortunately.... I just did everything else that you mentioned and all that works is the leader picture (since I can't make leader art, it's just the civilization's icon lol). It works on the screen where you pick your civilization/leader, and it works on the loading screen. Everything else still doesn't work. All icons, and the diplomacy screen leader and background -- none of these are working.

I'm just asking for clarification whether removing .tex and .dds files in .modinfo is going to fix my problems. As you can tell I'm no good at modding and I don't want to break anything.

I also added a simple unique unit to my Andorra mod: the Sometent Force, based on Andorra's whole Sometent thing where all able-bodied men can form an army when called upon, but otherwise there is no standing army. In-game, the Sometent Force replaces the Musketman and is much cheaper to build, but also costs a bit more maintenance. The idea behind it is that you won't keep many (or any) Sometent Forces around due to the increased maintenance costs, but when necessary, you can quickly build them to defend yourself, which is exactly how its real-life counterpart functions from what I've read. This unit seems to be working just fine.

Maybe there is something I did wrong in the process. If the art problem was caused by the fact that I didn't remove those files from modinfo, then I will do that. If that isn't the cause, then I will upload the updated mod file.

Thanks again
Thanks for your help, quick question, will this all still work if I don't delete .tex and .dds files in modinfo? I'm reluctant to do it because I don't want to start deleting stuff and not be able to add it back.

Unfortunately.... I just did everything else that you mentioned and all that works is the leader picture (since I can't make leader art, it's just the civilization's icon lol). It works on the screen where you pick your civilization/leader, and it works on the loading screen. Everything else still doesn't work. All icons, and the diplomacy screen leader and background -- none of these are working.

I'm just asking for clarification whether removing .tex and .dds files in .modinfo is going to fix my problems. As you can tell I'm no good at modding and I don't want to break anything.

I also added a simple unique unit to my Andorra mod: the Sometent Force, based on Andorra's whole Sometent thing where all able-bodied men can form an army when called upon, but otherwise there is no standing army. In-game, the Sometent Force replaces the Musketman and is much cheaper to build, but also costs a bit more maintenance. The idea behind it is that you won't keep many (or any) Sometent Forces around due to the increased maintenance costs, but when necessary, you can quickly build them to defend yourself, which is exactly how its real-life counterpart functions from what I've read. This unit seems to be working just fine.

Maybe there is something I did wrong in the process. If the art problem was caused by the fact that I didn't remove those files from modinfo, then I will do that. If that isn't the cause, then I will upload the updated mod file.

Thanks again
It shouldn't break anything if you keep the dds and tex files imported, they are just useless.
I'm actually surprised that your Icons still don't work. Diplomacy screen leader is the fallbacks artdef and background UI_LeaderScenes package or direct dds import. Let me read your code again and maybe I can dig something more out.
Be patient, you will eventually get there.
It's been a few weeks, so a few days ago I went to the video tutorial and looked in the comments to see if anyone recently had the same issues as me, and sure enough, multiple people did.

But the comment that stood out a lot was the one where the commenter tested out the mod with the unedited template. I thought of this but didn't know that it was ready to be run as-is, since the creator of the tutorial said to someone else that it wasn't really meant to be a mod or something like that. So I never tried it.

It turns out that, according to the commenter, when he built the mod without editing the template, the art didn't work. It seems to me that it had the same errors that mine had.

This means it's got to be a problem with the template. I'm glad to know that I'm not the only one who had issues, and that it wasn't something that I did wrong that I wasn't aware of. Unfortunately the guy who uploaded the tutorial and template hasn't made another video since, and while he has responded to other comments, he hasn't given a fix to this error yet.

BUT! What confuses me is the fact that the template and mod works just fine in the video! I thought that it could just be that something changed with an update, and the template no longer worked after that update (the tutorial was posted nearly 3 months ago), but the tutorial video was posted around a month after the last update, and there had been no more updates until the Nubia one a few days ago.

I really wish I knew what the problem was! I'm glad that the other components of my two mod attempts work fine (knock on wood), but it just isn't the same without art. I don't plan on making leader models but still.
@679x I used that YouTube video myself to get started, and yes, the video it is worthless if you are trying to get custom art onto your mod.
Most of us have figured things out by trial and error, this is why you don't have a clearly define "tutorial/guideline", we each have our own process.
I'm at a good point in my mod that I can take a break and work on something else.
If you want, I can help you get your mod going.
Grab the ModBuddy files from "\Documents\Firaxis ModBuddy\Civilization VI" folder and post them on here. I will do my best to get it working and explain to you how I got there.
I think I actually figured out the problem this morning. The video is incorrect I think, but the downloaded template's mod art file actually seems to be right, and that was what was causing the problem. The problem happens when you follow the video exactly, because I watched the video a few times over and never saw a step that involves taking the mod art file from the downloaded template.

The problem for me seems to be that I didn't have the proper files listed in my mod art file.

I am still somewhat stuck because my art isn't working when I speak to my leader (diplomacy screen) in-game, but it works elsewhere. It's a step forward. But, I think I know why this part isn't working... I just don't know how to correct it. I am going to do some trial and error again sometime, maybe tonight, and see if I can get it working on my own. If not, well, that's what this forum is here for ;)
Well, I have a problem with my art. I don't know how to even DO the direct DDS import OR the .BLP method. If someone could tell me how that would be greatly appreciated. :D
Nope... Didn't work. I think that there's more to this.

I've looked through other mods and tutorials, this should work.

My mod is attached:


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