"Name" changing in World Builder


Feb 10, 2005
Rochester, NY
I don't think this is a showstopper, more of an annoyance...

I started playing around with the World Builder and started creating a map. Once I got a layout I liked I went into the advanced mode to pick the civs and city states that I wanted to have. Real life called me away so I saved the map, when I came back in I noticed that in the drop down for placing the civs some of them had changed from the regular/simple name such as "Yerevan" to "LOC_CIVILIZATION_YEREVAN_NAME".

I did test the map quickly and it did seem to properly use the city state so whatever is going on doesn't seem to have an impact on how the map will come out when I'm done.

I've since noticed that now some of the resources are also showing this same sort of name change in the drop down.

Not sure what's causing it or why or how to correct it.
Some more issues I have discovered while trying to use the World Builder.

I assign all of the AI players. Then I want to assign where they will start so I figure it would be best to place the starting units (which also makes it easier to track who is where since when you place a starting point all it does it place an icon with no other reference so you have to remember who that is).

But whenever I try and place a settler for a particular civ or city-state it is placing a unit for some other random civ! Then after I had placed a couple of them before I realized they weren't for who I thought, when I would right-click it wouldn't delete the unit! Reloaded the map from a previous save and immediately noticed that the natural wonder that was nearby was gone (don't know how many other things "changed" on reload).

This is getting frustrating because I can't start a game from a general random setup because it keeps immediately crashing (which I have another thread about). I can start from a world builder map or from a saved start config but if I can't actually properly create a world then all I can do is play from the same custom start I have and have been using for ages already? Going to get boring very fast.
1) Designating a hex as the starting point for a city state does not result in a city state appearing there when you play the game. There will be no city states unless you add them in the Player Editor, which only appears in the "Advanced" mode, which you have to toggle on. Then you find only six (!) city states are available, and instead of being called, say, Armagh, they will have names like AI-LOC-CIVILIZATION-ARMAGH, which doesn't even fit into the text display.

2) There is only a limited selection of Natural Wonders available.

3) River names are missing.

The city state problem cripples the maps.
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