National Employment Program II (NEP II)


Retired Moderator
Feb 10, 2002
Yeah, remember NEP?

The fact is, (as former Trade Leader, and former Domestic deputy/acting leader), we need workers. We have only 8 indigeonous workers, and some 27 foreign workers (slaves or refugees) and about 46 cities. We may be fast approaching the industrial age, so we NEED more workers! We don't even have a 1:2 worker-to-city ratio yet with our workers! We really need to be using our industrious trait to its' fullest, and we aren't doing that. That's an 8:46 (4:23) ratio for our industrious workers (or, 35:46 - just over a 3:4) for all workers (foreign included). I urge all governors to put more workers in their queues, even if one city with a lot of cattle/wheat and a granary serves as a worker factory for a while.

This is open for discussion.
We're not industrious, CT. Were militaristic and scientific. Of course, that just means that we have half of the working power that you were thinking so the urgency is about doubled.

I agree. More workers are needed. More fast military units too.
Don't know why I thought we were industrious.. :rolleyes:

But, yeah, we need twice the work-force.
I agree. We need a lot more workers. We aren't using the land to its fullest, crippling the potential of cities. And soon we're going to be in the industrial age and we're going to need railroads to connect our cities and speed any wars we might fight. And you might also be thinking that we're industrious because Germany has the second strongest industrial base and economy in the world in RL.... just a thought.....
Originally posted by Shaitan
I know why you thought it. It's 'cause Bismarck is always saying "the industrious German people" whenever you talk to him in the game. ;)

Must be subliminal. ;) Then again.. my mom (part German) says the same thing! :eek::hmm:

(Meanwhile... back in the demogame...)
I beleve we need more workers in the field to construct more roads and mines to help increace our commerce (trade)
I don't think we need as many workers as you claim. We will continually get workers in the cities we capture. We can produce an occasional worker here and there when we see a drastic need. But I can't see continually reducing the growth of our young cities by producing workers. If that is what you truely want (more workers), the get our cities up to size twelve and while we wait for Sanitation (I'm sure it will be avoided like Monarchy) we can use the non-growth periods to produce workers.
I agree with Chieftess. We have a 21,5 work power (8 works + 27 slaves). It's not enough to support our 46 cities.

A proportion of 3/4 (work/cities) is the minimum.

What about our 12 sized cities producing workers?
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