Settings as below. No huts
During my war against Roosy, JC started plotting. I though he probably wanted to dogpile Roosy, as he was annoyed towards Roosy. Much to my surprise, JC's target turned out to be Hanni

(the First Punic War broke out ?

). He bribed Mehmed on the same turn. Then Hanni bribed Roosy against JC
The diplomacy screen became chaotic
Next turn JC bribed Justy against Roosy

(and yes, Chadibal got the free GArtist from Music in 225AD).
Hanni lost a city to Mehmed; I gave CoL and Metal casting to bribe Mehmed off.
Hannibal is usually a strong AI, so I thought the duel between Hanni and JC would become a stalemate. I was shocked when Hanni lost his capital to JC

. Had to give Philo to JC to avoid Hanni's capitulation

When I was only 5 or 6 turns from Cuirs, Mehmed and JC DoW Hanni again (the Second Punic War?

). Reloaded once here: I tried to bribe JC & Mehmed off, but they both asked Nationalism and Paper. I found their requests too expensive so I didn't give the techs to them. As a result, Hanni quickly capitulated to JC, who became a super monster of 10+ cities with a vassal

. So I reloaded from the turn of Mehmed and JC's DoW, gave them Nationalism and paper for their peace with Hannibal.
BTW, 1 city Roosy capitulated to Justy in 1060AD.
Attacked with Cuirs. Hannibal was already weakened by the long war with Romans and Ottomans. He capitulated only 3 turns after my attack. Gave 100

to Hanni for his conversion to Hinduism, mostly to improve the relationship with Justy. Justy was pleased towards me but cautious towards Jewish Hanni; Hanni becoming Hindu would keep Justy at pleased.
After Hanni's capitulation, I needed to choose a target among Mehmed and JC. JC's army was less large than Mehmed's. Mehmed had 10+ cites; the demography screen showed he had the highest soldier count. There was his giant stack from his previous wars against Hanni.
Despite of his large land and massive army, Mehmed was the only available target, because - looking at JC's research: he would get riflemen in 6 turns

Begged 1

from JC before I attacked Mehmed. I whipped like crazy while Mehmed spammed units like crazy

. War weariness and whipping anger were soaring. Defying AP resolution of "stopping the war against Mehmed" only made things worse. Angry faces throughout my empire

^that city had no whipping anger because it was my HE city. But with so many angry citizens, maybe it was time to whip them away

Lucky discovery of silver improved a little the happiness issue:
During my war against Mehmed, JC got Rifleman in 1350AD - it was the earliest AI rifling that I had seen on emperor
All these AIs except Roosevelt had high "military" flavour

. They were the reverse of Willem or Pacal: instead of researching Physics before rifling, they all rushed towards Replaceable parts - rifling and ignored astronomy

. Meanwhile I didn't even have banking or printing press
After a tough fight and heavy loss, Portugal managed to vassal Mehmed before my peace treaty with JC expired

. An angry face showed up: it seemed the last AI already made contact with Mehmed prior to his capitulation

Many cities were heavily whipped. AIs sent spies to sabotage some of my farms or workshops. Several workers were sniped by random knights or chariots during the war

. I need to take a break here, thinking about the economy recovery and how to build an army of rifles + cannons for the next war against JC.