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Naval Commanders

Not a big fan of Customs Houses here, especially when there are other (and much better) options available... especially with all those AIs in Mercantilism.

I'll build some more Rifles/Berserkers and Privateers while we can annoy the AI with them.

DoW JC as soon as possible...
Skip the Custom's house then... Anyhow, you can DoW JC now, the peace deal is just a glitch. You can cancel it at any time from the trade-menu. (Wish it wouldn't always do that).
Sorry, no time for report right now, gotta run.

Took JC's best cities and he's ready to capitulate... some more war happening but nothing to show for it.

Spoiler :

I kept the Islam holy city because it already had a trading post... with Sushi it should be fairly useful.

A holy war was launched against Frederick (which is why everyone is at war with him!)

Sury was bribed against us as much as I could see... but the next turn got stuck with the holy war so he never sent anything ;)


  • obsolete AD-1450.CivBeyondSwordSave
    345.8 KB · Views: 49
Alright, so Surry must have just now DoWed on us in a dog-pile. Well, we'll just have to snipe some cities from him.

I'm surprised you didn't raze that silly 1-pop city south of Parthenon. Hoping for Sushi to make something useful out of it? Or did you want to gift it back.

Anyhow, I think vassaling Julius now is fine, then we can make peace with Frederick, and then focus against Surry. Looks like Japan is getting ready to hit someone soon as well...

RRR you up to do a short set now? BTW, move the GG from the capital to parthenon, then move him into the fort next turn with a new frigate to make some kind of leadership super-attack boat.
Alright, I'm going to finish up some small tasks and get some food, etc. If I don't see a peep from you RRR in a couple hours from now I may jump on for a little skirmish again.

BTW, anyone remember the full requirements to incite a holy war? :p
I'm taking a good look over the map now... think I'll play that set now. Be back with my report in an hour perhaps. :p
Damnit, the set is taking much longer than I wanted. I pinged off a city from Surry & made a 10-turn peace right away so I could consolidate and hit properly. We then captured the city (traded for 1 turn), and I sunk a billion of his fleet. Unfortunately the bastard just doesn't want to capit!

So I may have to do something here.. like capture 2 decent cities on another island of his. We've already captured the only good cities on his continent.

BTW, I made a hero SoL, which now has Drill IV & I'm about to promote to Str 2 next turn. Unfortunately most our other GGs are popping in the most far off cities of ours, making it take a long time to get and can be risky brining them home. Obviously Firaxis never really thought that one out throughly....

Tomorrow I'll see if I can finally shake him to a capit in a couple turns.

Looking good guys. Sorry to let u down but I do sleep once in a while :p
I can prolly play some turns today.
Part of the reason it took so long also was that I had to wait for that 10 turn peace I made with surry early to expire, so I played longer than a standard set.

Good news is Surry finally vassaled the very next turn today (after I sunk the rest of his navy).

I really wish our Lysander hero had Blitz, but if we did that we'd be stuck trying to heal too often, which defeats the point of blitz, so I don't mind the Drills. I made another hero just this turn in the East with Blitz, and we have a GG ready for pick-up in Thebes.

Anyhow, I built Oxford etc, and even replaced the custom's house. Also I am building a Coloseum now in capital, may seem strange but in the last couple turns vs surry we actually broke our happy-cap (hard to believe).

So... if you can, please load the CR units from surry's cities into our navy while replacing them with something defensive like Drill II MGs? Or if you feel that will take too long, make a run for someone else right now. Though you may want to heal up for a turn or two. Guess we should make a Medic III transport this turn (hint, hint).

Anyway, up to you guys, but I don't have a problem with FINALLY taking Japan's Capital now, the shrine should be making a fortune. Add some Drill II MGs to absorb the counter attack.

The day of privateers is over now, so we have a couple bottled up in a port in the East, keep them there until we unlock destroyers/battleships. Then use a general to upgrade one of them.

BTW, note our SoL has a 10% against Mounted units. LOL!!!

Now, who wants to go first?


  • surry.CivBeyondSwordSave
    388.8 KB · Views: 51
BTW, my favourite LYSANDER of all time was from this deity game...

Spoiler :
Can we skip Customs Houses? Get a Courthouse or a Bank instead or whatever.

In Horsie stables it's worth 1 commerce! It's worst than a cottage!

If we're lucky, we can hit Frederick and take a bunch of his cities before he gets Rifles.
I was also debating on the use of CH. Usually they are a huge income, but when you start to vassal everyone, their return drops to hell, and that's assuming everyone isn't in Merc still. So up to you...

Frederick is fine if you feel it's best, but Japan had a monster capital with a very hefty shrine. But... again I'll leave it up to you which you feel is best.
Just did a quick look at the tech screen, yes Frederick is closest to Rifles. I think it is best after all to at least make a quick hit & grab of Amsterdam/Utrec...

Then after we maybe go for Japan.

Go for it..
BTW, as soon as Combustion is researched, trade for Sci-Meth with one of our vassals. Our science rate will drop a lot, but we'll be able to see where the oil is, and hopefully get the free upgrade to destroyers on our leaders.

It may be best to move our current free general to the "6'th" city, and upgrade our most promoted privateer to a destroyer when the time comes.

BTW, you DON'T have to use a fort to do this, just move all other units out of the city, then attach and promote, then you can move your garrison back into the city.
There is one Privateer in the far south blockading one of Japan's cities, you might as well move it this turn, else Japan will attack soon with his stack of Frigates he has coming down that way.
I'll wait an hour or two to see if RRR is available. Suggestions sound great!

I missed my window for today...

and won't have web access from tmr to 2 of january :sad: Skip me until then (seems I am missing all the fun here... and I guess there won't be anything left by then seeing the speed of this game!) Have fun guys! :)

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