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NCSG1-Suryavarman II!

I guess nationalism, police state, theocracy, slavery and not sure about the economic choice. Basically ones for troop production and XP for those troops. I guess we don't care to much about research ATM so cash, millitary and unit XP are our prioritys. Anyone else agree here?
For economics I like Merc, the extra specialist helps keep research going. Make them all Scientists. Personally I rarely use Police State unless I have WW issues. I dont think we need it in this game either, we have a couple solid stacks already. Why burn our research under Rep for a few turns off a unit build. Use the free spec from Merc for research, put all cities to as much production as we can, and pump out cannons and Knights, while drafting Rifles. I might even consider US instead of PS or Rep, cash-buy some units.

No worries though, seriously, we are at the point where each player can just play as he sees fit and roll with it. We cant lose this game, its been over for quite a while. Once we take out Qin, or rather all his cities on the mainland like JC, that will be it. Leave his arctic islands, dont sweat the "We yearn for the motherland", thats eliminated with a simple 10% pop on the Culture slider.

Well played game fellas. I like this format. I would like to do the next one in 2 groups. How do you all feel about having 2 groups of NCers play the same map, same AIs, but one group sticking with Noble, and the other going to Prince? We can get a couple more guys from the NC thread over to join, go with two teams of 5. I think that would be cool, we could watch each others games, see how they vary, and more importantly, see how the Noble AI plays differently than the Prince AI. Good learning, I think, but it might be a tad confusing, so if we just want to go with a single game, no worries. I do thinik we have enough to play 2 separate NCSG games, I know most of you in this game are playing WAY below your skill levels, me included. I like Prince because its easier to get what you "want" instead of what you "need", if you follow.

Krick, you da man bro. Play on, do what YOU think is best. Our team goal is "Kill Bill" ...er I mean Qin, sorry, got Nancy Sinatra playing on the computer, LOL.

Bang bang, he shot me down,
bang bang, I hit the ground,
bang bang, that awful sound
bang bang, my baby shot me DOWN!
Doesn't police state give a production bonus to military? +25% I think.

As for future SGs I'd like to go at least prince - the extra though put in seems to boost the level by at least 1 if not 2 levels.
Well as we have a golden age coming up we could switch to full on war civics,

policestate, vassalage, theo, slavery

Allowing us to build/whip troops quickly

then half switch back, so maybe keep vassalage/theo and back to rep/caste (although theo's not much use as we havn't spread our religion much!)

Just an idea, maybe krick should play until the golden age is over, seems silly to finish his turnset with one turn to go before the golden age ends, I don't mind missing a turn to bring it back to even, it just seems to make sense that way.

Looking forward to the next NCSG's as this one seems under wraps! I'd suggest though, if we play two (which makes sense) playing both on prince and picking the two strongest players to go on each team. Kind of spead the knowledge so to speak.

Also (for the next game) I like the idea I've seen in other threads about more fluid duration of turnsets, say between 10 and 20 turns and you finish on a decision point... just finished a tech/about to declare war/popped a great person... seems to make sense to me.
Ugh, I can't play today, I'm swamped with a major proj tomorrow and need to practice. I'll pass.
No worries Krick. Good luck with the work.

I like the idea of a more fluid style as well. It seems more natural and relaxed. As long as we don't get stuck in the one more turn mind set :lol:
Ugh, I can't play today, I'm swamped with a major proj tomorrow and need to practice. I'll pass.

Do you mean you want to skip? If you want I can swap with you if you like, I can play pretty soonish and that gives you another 48h.
For Civics, I'd go with Representation, Nationhood, Caste System, Mercantilism, and Theocracy.

I seriously doubt that WW will be a problem, because we have superior units and should be able to steamroll the enemy. While the production bonus for military units in Police State is somewhat attractive, we are activating a GA anyways, so we'll have extra hammers to make stuff faster. Police State is high upkeep, which we've been struggling with all game, and it knocks us out of representation, which I'm willing to bet is contributing about 1/3 of our current research (can't look at the save at the moment though). Representation also gives happy to our biggest cities, where WW, if present, is likely to rear its ugly head the hardest.

Nationhood... self-explanatory. Draft, extra happy from barracks and NO upkeep (lets not forget the extra espionage).

Caste System will boost our workshops a bit, but otherwise nothing much. I'm not a huge fan of slavery since BtS, because the slave revolt annoys me, and medium upkeep isn't too fun either, and whipping away at productive cities is probably not a good idea (we will already be drafting away from them). None of the other labour civics offer anything advantageous to the war effort.

Mercantilism is THE warmonger's economy civic. No hesitation there, especially if we stay in Representation.

Theocracy is obviously good for the XP bonus, but we want to check around our empire and see which religion is most prevalent. Actually, which religion is prevalent in the PRODUCTION cities.

As for the next NCSG, I'm game. The short turnsets and detailed reporting help me keep focused, and keep my play better. With that said, I am fairly confident that any team assembled from the Noble's Club could beat Prince, because the discussion is such a powerful tool. I personally also find that I put more effort in in order to not look like :smoke: on the forums :D

The parallel games sound good too. That would definitely be a helpful learning tool (perhaps the two teams could pursue different objectives and see how it pans out? Or keep it simple and just win?)
I was thinking skip, but swap would be PERFECT.
Actually, I'm having difficulty finding the time to play my round :sad: so it looks like I'm going to have to skip too! Sorry! Some things have cropped up and I need to go to London early tommorrow for a few days.

So this is my official Skip!

And that leaves Schwartz next up on the list,

The roster:
1. Krick19
2. Groogaroo > Just Skipped
3. Schwartz > Up now
4. S.ilver > On decked
5. Rex rgis of Ter
6. Grandad
7. Bleys
Man we're dropping like flys! I was wondering about going to london tomorrw - there's an amazing mexican I want to eat in again!

Hope everything ok Groo.
Inherited Turn:
Switch Nagara Jayasri from a knight to a cannon
Switch Yasod from a stable to a cannon

Everything else looks good.

Turn 351:
Taj in to trigger our GA
Amsterdam: Harbor -> Cannon
Isvara: Taj -> Rifle
Cumae: Barracks -> Cannon
Thom: Theatre -> Cannon

Scientist born in Thom, I settle it. Our top 3 science cities all have academies and I can't see a better use for him.

Move our spy from Tianjin to our territory and will move it into Xian to revolt it when we attack. I also increase QSH's espionage weight to 2.

Science slider to 70% to trim democracy to 2 turns (-10 for this turn, FP due next turn)

Turn 352:
AP vote comes up for war with Suleiman, I defy causing the unhappiness in 3 cities (AP vote is broken, you can't check Domestic advisor when it pops up..)

Hari: FP -> Rifle (Income goes to +13/turn at 70% science in the GA)
Amsterdam: Cannon -> Rifle

Turn 353:
Democracy -> Steam Power
Moving towards Assembly Line.
Switch civics:

Draft rifles in Yasod, Mediolanum and A. Thom.

I ran science at 0 this turn to upgrade the maces in our stack to rifles.

Turn 354:
Toku wants us to cancel deals with Suleiman, I send him home..
Nothing else

Turn 355:

Turn 356:
Almost ready for war, although I wasn't able to draft much, only 6(7?) rifles.

Turn 357:
Just moving the rest of our stack into A. Wat as war prep.

Turn 358:


IBT: "A Mine is destroyed by enemy infiltrators!"
QSH attacks our stack with his trebs and CKNs, collateral damage is not terrible, and he has only 4 units left in the city now.

Turn 359:
Revolt Xian and roll in the cannons.
This is how the battle goes:

Cannons -
Loss at 80.7%
Retreat at 99.4%
Retreat at 99.9%
Retreat at 99.9%
Retreat at 99.9%

Rifles -
Win * 4 at >99.9%

City is ours.

IBT: QSH sneaks a galley in and pillages some seafood by Yasod, sorry about the :smoke: :(

Turn 360:
Our stack(s) are converging on the next target (just north of Wat)
I fire the artists in Wat and run a couple scientists instead.
I bumped culture to 10 which deals with any unhappiness from Draft/War.

Relevant part of the Map + Domestic Advisor:

1. Krick19
2. Groogaroo
3. Schwartz
4. S.ilver -> Up now
5. Rex rgis of Ter -> On deck
6. Grandad
7. Bleys

Save, apologizing in advance for any :smoke:


  • NC_SGI_Suryavarman II AD-1700.CivBeyondSwordSave
    250.6 KB · Views: 58
Bump, my set is up
You can switch civics on your inherited turn anarchy-free silver.
I'm also in for the next NCSG, this one has been fun to play!
I got it. Looks good, but I won't be able to play it until tomorrow. Other thoughts would be nice.

That is a huge stack of troops we have there...

I'll check our religions screen before doing anything else. If I recall correctly, Rex spread a lot of Confucianism around, and it might be a better state religion at this point. We'll see.
Yeah Confucianism is in all but one city (aside from the new Chinese city).. I forgot to switch, more :smoke: on my part.
If you do that in the inherited turn, you'll get the XP bonus for Isvara and The Hague (provided we don't switch out of theocracy).
I may have gone overboard with troopspam :p
Confuci it will be then! When I get around to it tomorrow. Heading out in a few.

One more thing, I would've just said "No" to the AP vote, because we're switching to Confuci anyways, and Sulei is hardly likely to be pleased with us. He's already pissed off at us from the first time anyways. I doubt it would've been tough to sue for peace, especially with everyone else attacking him.
Yeah that was the discussion I had with myself.. I would have definitely just said no if I had known it was 3 cities with buddhism rather than just Wat like it was last time.. But since the AP is broken and you can't see the domestic advisor I decided to take the chance.
Nice warring dude. Good luck Silver, though I don't think you'll need it. EDIT: I do like the look of those Ballista's rollin in. YEEEAAAAAH.
Nice turns Schwartz. I like th blue marble colours you've gone with!!! I might see what yellow does for me - I like red most!

I reckon we could split our stack and take multiple cities at once. My advice is find his main production city and takle it ASAP.

Our main production should be cannons IMO. Its cannons that will win this war for us. We could take the cities with axes if we have enough cannons!!!

After steam I'd say Assembly Line, then our millitary is future proof. I can't see us ever needing more than Infantary. Even that is probably overlkill.

Civics might as well stay put - apart from nationhood maybe. Changing to Conf would be nice -we did found it after all!!

This is basically all over apart from the finishing touch's. Good work team.

I might start a new thread to get the discussion of the next SG underway. Or I might wait abit. Indecision!
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