Network Problems

Conditional Zenith

Mar 21, 2001
I have 2 PC's both running windows 98se. On has integrated networking, the other has a NIC. I have a crossover cable joining them. Both have client for microsoft netwoks, TCP/IP, and file and printer sharing installed.

On one computer, I can see the name of the other computer (and its own name), but upon trying to view it, the computer says it is unavailable. The other computer has no names (not even its own or the entire network button) showing in microsoft networking. Does anyone know what I need to do to fix this?
I have a similar problem, on one of the computers I can only find 2 of 3 computers, which resulted in problems when playing LAN games. In XP though, I don't have the option of installing NetBEUI, is it standard or do I have to get it elsewhere?
You might have 2 "installed drivers" for a same network ethernet card. I mean in tcp/ip -- network control panel you might have for a single realtek card both "realtek device" and "remote access device". Delete one and restart. I had often that kind of problem and don't ask me why nor how, each time I had those 2 things it didn't work and as soon as I deleted one, it worked. Maybe it might work for you too.
do you have any firewall software on them?
or any virus protection ones that also have firewalls on there, like PC-cillin?
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