Another playtest has been released and there is much talk of releasing an "official" Apolyton Edition
Fixed: Misc crashes
Fixed: Broken/incorrect links in the great library
Fixed: Topic display bug in great library
Fixed: Hosting of MP games on XP machines
Fixed: SLIC error related to missing city
Fixed: Prediction of movement times for ships moving through cities
New database flags for making construction of units, buildings and wonders depend on the existence of goods
Changed: Message boxes to be non-modal
Added: Option to select a city first instead of an army
Added: DebugSlic and GoodAnim options
Added: Two more colour sets
Fixed: Bug with gold income
Added: City limit to domestic control panel
Changed: Information window remains open across turns
Changed: Opening score tab of information window no longer closes other windows
Added: Gold loss due to conversion and production loss due to franchising to national manager resource tab
Added: Special attack window to display the cost of a special attack
Added: Construction time to tileimp tracker window
Fixed: Crashes when deleting tileimps
Added: Option to end game on db error
Fixed: MP database sync check
Added: Female leader pictures
Fixed: Age display in MP summary
Fixed: Colors used on single player selection screen