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New Player


May 18, 2004
Houston, Texas
Hello I am Meta and I have registered for the Democracy game. I like to roleplay in other games, but Demo Game is fairly new to me. I want to get involved politically so I would like some advice on which parties are out there looking for members.
Welcome to the Democracy Game Meta. We don't have political parties as such - they're actually against the rules of the demogame, but we do have Citizen Groups, these are listed in the Citizen Group Index and Registry thread that you will see stickied in this forum. If you scroll down the forum, you may also find some that have not registered their groups.

If you want an update on what has happened in the game, you will find game summaries for the most recent turnchats linked from this post.
hi and welcome to the dg, i would suggest trying to become a deputy in one of our many departments without one(might I suggest my province)

and if you have some time u can read the rules stickied on the main forum page :goodjob:
Yep, just liked to say I'm the latest n00b to this game (so you can start picking on me for my ignorance anytime now)! Anyway, any extra tips about this game would be much appreciated. For example, what do you actually do? What's the best way to start and where's a list of hometowns?
Welcome to the Democracy Game!

The turnchat is a chat event we hold on irc (I was going to link to info here but it seems to have gone missing), where the Designated Player (DP, usually the President) plays game turns and relates the events live for any interested players to follow along, and offer advice and comments. It becomes quite a social event at times, especially the first few turns of a game, and the last few before we win.

There is a chat scheduled for Saturday, see the turnchat instruction thread in the main forum. Feel free join the chat and check it out! :D
Choice! Thanks - I guess I'll just wait for 9:00PM Saturday (I'm in Western Australia :p)

How long does the turnchat usually go for? And what's its purpose? Is it to finalise any recommendations made?

(Sorry for the barrage of questions!)
The purspose of the turnchat is to actually play the game! The DP plays the game using the instructions posted by the officials in the Turn Chat Instruction Thread, and reports in the chat what they are doing and what is happening in the game. Everyone there joins in offering advice and cheering our troops on. As for how long they go on for - 10 turns a time normally, in some circumstances it could be up to 13, if something occurs that needs to be discussed less. In terms of time that could be a couple of hours early in the game, recently we had one last over 17 hours! - but that could be partly because I'm rather slow as DP! Don't worry if you're not there at the start, or can't stay to the end; pop in when you can and see what's happening (looks like the Aztecs get it next).

Look in the Game Saves and Chat Logs Thread stickied in the main demogame forum for links to recent game summaries, - the most recent are at the bottom.
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