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New unit: B-1B supersonic bomber

Plastic Bag

Feb 14, 2002
Unit complete! Download it below.


  • b1bdeath.gif
    54 KB · Views: 4,556
Here is what I think the stats should be:

Cost: 160

Attack: 8
Defense: 8
Moves: 0

Bombard: 8
Range: 8
RoF: 4

Is there a way to make the bombard range more than 8? :confused: This is a supersonic bomber, it should have a range of like 16 at least because of speed.
Part 2. By the way, any comments or suggestions would be appreciated, and you have my permision to use this (and any of my units) in a mod if you give me credit.


  • b-1b soundfx.zip
    331.7 KB · Views: 667
To use this unit (and other great pieces of artwork found on this site ((you know who you are)). Do I need to make any modifications to the units_32.pcx file? Or do I just add and tweak using the editor only. The only specilty unites I have used so far have been via a mod.

Just a stupid question from an otherwise smart guy.:scan:
The little units 32 thing for the bomber that I attached you must copy that and paste that on to the units_32.pcx file in an empty spot, if you can't do that, I can do that for you if you want.
Thanks for the animation Plastic, i'm sure a lot of people will find it useful. Graci!
You could always do what I did with the E3 sentry. I made it a sea unit with a move of 9. You can put a bombing run on it as well however. The E3 can move 9 in my game or 8 and do a 6 range recon. a supersonic bomber could be configed the same way.
Originally posted by Plastic Bag
The little units 32 thing for the bomber that I attached you must copy that and paste that on to the units_32.pcx file in an empty spot, if you can't do that, I can do that for you if you want.

I think that I may be competent enough to handle that :lol: :lol: , maybe.

I read somewhere that the last few icons needed to always remain the last few :confused: is this true?
The last 8 icons must always remain the same. You also can't add any extra icons for units you haven't installed yet. I did that at one point by adding the terrorist icon to the units_32 file before I'd fully decided to add the unit to my game and things got screwed up (e.g., a great leader fortified on the city display was showing up as a Perry Class Frigate.)
So the last 8 icons must remain the last 8. So if I want to include this unit... I first have to move the last 8 icons down one (or over or whatever) and then insert this one? Seems like a little of a pain...

If I chose to move these icons to the last 8 slots, thus creating a whole mess of empty slots between the 9th to the last and 8th to the last, in order to add units at will, will the game still function?

btw: what are the last 8 icon units? Is there a limit to the number of unites, much like resources??
I agree with plastic one hundred precent on the B-1. It doesn't look that nice on the magenta background but when you get it in game it looks damn good. To seal, yes it has to be the last 8 frames shifted over to fit in whatever icon you want. This is from the leader unit right after the privateer to the last worker.
and i was going to ask someone to create a B-1B bomber thanks!
this is going into the blitz mod for sure!!!! :D
Originally posted by Umask077
You could always do what I did with the E3 sentry. I made it a sea unit with a move of 9. You can put a bombing run on it as well however. The E3 can move 9 in my game or 8 and do a 6 range recon. a supersonic bomber could be configed the same way.

Looks good. What I do for my E-3 plane you may want to do for yours as well.

Make it Air Unit
Give it Submarine Ability.
Take off Immobile Ability
Give it a move factor of 8 ( or whatever you think is appropriate )
This will allow it to fly over land AND water and enemy land units will be unable to see or attack it.
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