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New unit; Napoleonic Rifleman

animated previews:

Standin waitin for action

"What was that?"

"Goin into action!"

"Wait here for orders!"


"Ahh, that felt good." ;)

"MY Leg's stuck in super glue! AAHH!"

lol, hope everyone liked that.
(god i was in the hospital too long :lol: )
The problem with the build queue is it starts from the bottom of the FLC and not the Offset, to fix it you have to cut off the bottom so the unit is right next to the edge and change the offsets in FLICster (the only way right now is to Export to multiple FLCs and change it in the INI).
Originally posted by Level
The problem with the build queue is it starts from the bottom of the FLC and not the Offset, to fix it you have to cut off the bottom so the unit is right next to the edge and change the offsets in FLICster (the only way right now is to Export to multiple FLCs and change it in the INI).

It's a common problem to many home-made units
Can you explain step-to-step how to solve it?
Originally posted by Rhye
i think it's the best custom unit ever done

U r not alone with that opinion :goodjob: ... the coolest thing is that there are no other custom units even for this historical period. Mastery is achieved faster and faster with every unit SM creates!
Originally posted by W.i.n.t.e.r

U r not alone with that opinion :goodjob: ... the coolest thing is that there are no other custom units even for this historical period. Mastery is achieved faster and faster with every unit SM creates!

I've put it in the role of Riflemen, and I renamed the old rifleman animations to "Partisans" (1/4/1, Nationalism, ZOC, Roads, 5 shields)
Originally posted by W.i.n.t.e.r
Acually the Napoleonic Era rifleman came a few decades before the Rifleman that came with the game...:o

Yes, the riflemen with the game are the American civil war riflemen i think.
But I think that they look more like to partisans than the "guerrillero" posted in this forum, which is a worker cleaning jungle :)
Congratulations on a great unit :goodjob:

I think this fits well into the 'Military Tradition' advance. :)
I realise that the problem come when you create a new storyboard by extending the height or width. And yes, the right way to fix it is to export it to 8 direction flcs and edit the ini file for x & y before recompiling it. :)

Another thing I notice on all custom units (This one and also the SS unit for example) the weapon drop straight to the ground when the unit die. If you observe the Firaxis units, the weapon drops to the ground, bounce, then come to a rest. Just a point to consider for all future units. (Yeah, yeah, I am a sucker for details ;) )
Much appreciated, Level!

If you're dying to do another one, I think someone mentioned the Dragoon suffered from the same affliction.
excellent unit to play a napoleon scenario or the world in 1815.
I would give this unit to all civs (european map) but i would only let the French be able to draft it. It was the only nation that used conscription.

Probably the best thing to do is give each civ it's techs & than set the science ratio very high so nothing else can be invented.

Civs: Great-Brittain, France, Pruisen, Ottoman Empire, Russia, Austria-Hungary, Zweden & some smaller neutral countries (i don't know if you can make countries neutral???)

Looking forward to more units from that era!!! Good Work
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