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News: BOTM 78 - Results & Congratulations


Jag är Viking!½
GOTM Staff
Jun 21, 2007
Stockholm's B.F.C.
BOTM 78: Cyrus the Great

Kudos to the medalists and award winners, and even the sheild earners and ambulance driver. I hope everyone had fun. No need for me to say more, the results speak for themselves. I would like to point out the award-winning performance of BCool even though handicapped by playing the Challenger save.:goodjob:

BtS BOTM 78 Results:

Summary of Medal Winners:

zamint3: 1948 AD Spaceship Victory, 27,546 points.

astre: 1858 AD Domination Victory, 27,440 points.

Jovan Kukic: 1802 AD Conquest Victory, 26,750 points.

Fastest Finish Award Winners:

bcool: 1932 AD Spaceship Victory, 25,981 points.

da_Vinci: 1964 AD Diplomatic Victory, 10,761 points.

timmy827: 1933 AD Cultural Victory, 7,877 points.

Mitchum: 1625 AD Religious Victory, 3,956 points.

Other Award Winners:

Nicol.Bolas: 1999 AD Domination Victory, 14,389 points.

UB40: 2018 AD Conquest Victory, 10,491 points.

MarleysGh0st: 2010 AD Spaceship Victory, 6,893 points.

karlis: 2034 AD Spaceship Loss, 5,956 points.

Orel: 2044 AD Spaceship Loss, 3,213 points.

>> See the full results here.
>> See the updated global rankings here.
>> See the latest Pantheon of Heroes here.
>> Award symbols are listed here.
Here's where everyone settled their 2nd city.

The Small Print:
The numbers by each player's name indicate the turn settled on (starting turn is 0). Players are colour coded by game class (challenger=red, adventurer=blue). Symbols indicate victory condition, if there's no symbol then the player either retired or was defeated. The yellow border indicates the land that was visible at the start of the game.

(Thank you DynamicSpirit for helping out with this map):goodjob:
Well done to all the entrants/winners again. :)

Also good to see a non military victory take the gold.. :goodjob:
Well done to all the entrants/winners again. :)

Also good to see a non military victory take the gold.. :goodjob:

Cow + Gold... iirc that's quite uncommon, or what? zamint3 deserves praise.:worship: Though one caveat, had bcool's score not been downgraded to the contender level (a rule change that came somewhere about botm40 or so), I think the gold goes to a challenger save.

OK... it sounds like I'm harping on this, but really... we make 3 saves and we like to see folks be glad for that extra effort. But Jastrow... finishing #8 with the Adventurer... well, he's sort of going against a rule that is not normally enforced if he doesn't man up next time.:p

Abyhow, I enjoyed very much reading about your games. The pleasure you had playing makes it worthwhile... otherwise I have more important things I'm supposed to be doing. ;)
Congrats to all of the award and medal winners. :goodjob:

OK... it sounds like I'm harping on this, but really... we make 3 saves and we like to see folks be glad for that extra effort. But Jastrow... finishing #8 with the Adventurer... well, he's sort of going against a rule that is not normally enforced if he doesn't man up next time.:p

Knowing Jastrow, I'd be willing to bet that this was a misclick. I'd also be willing to bet that if he were playing at Prince instead of Noble level, he would have had a better finish date... :mischief:
OMG, my first medal ever :)

very close to first one, only 100 point behind :(

we can notice that very few went for military victories... only 7 over 22 players.
with 4 in the top 5 and 6 in the top 9, it was a good option.

will try harder next time
OK... it sounds like I'm harping on this, but really... we make 3 saves and we like to see folks be glad for that extra effort. But Jastrow... finishing #8 with the Adventurer... well, he's sort of going against a rule that is not normally enforced if he doesn't man up next time.:p

What the heck !?!?!?

As Mitchum guessed, it was a miss click, and one that I did not even notice until I saw this post... This is a doubly-dumb missclick because as I was going to download the save, I was debating to myself if I should take contender, or challenger (to get better trading partners.)

In the end, I decided to go with contender because I though there would be more games to compare to, which is my main aim in playing these (at it turns out, the closest game to compare to was bcool and Chalenger, so this decision was wrong as well)... So, I decide to take contender, and apparently click on Adventurer.... Sigh....
What the heck !?!?!?

As Mitchum guessed, it was a miss click, and one that I did not even notice until I saw this post... This is a doubly-dumb missclick because as I was going to download the save, I was debating to myself if I should take contender, or challenger (to get better trading partners.)

In the end, I decided to go with contender because I though there would be more games to compare to, which is my main aim in playing these (at it turns out, the closest game to compare to was bcool and Chalenger, so this decision was wrong as well)... So, I decide to take contender, and apparently click on Adventurer.... Sigh....

Sorry Jastrow, I was only joking... in bad taste. No, I know you are a contender-level player and I was just making fun of the unfortunate mistake that forced you into Adventurer status. Maybe offering only one save not only makes the mapmaker's job easier, but also prevents the "ooops" factor. We do truly appreciate you holding to the cardinal rule of gotms that once you start on a game, there is no going back. You are a true sportsman in the most positive sense, and I shouldn't have made light of that. But... welll... it was so amusing I couldn't resist. Apology offered.
No, no reason to apoligize... The "What the heck" was refered to my playing adventurer, not to your comment...I probably should have quoted only the "Jastrow... finishing #8 with the Adventurer..." to make this clear.

I had no idea that I played the adventurer save... Never noticed, not even when submitting... I am just amazed at myself that this could happen...
Hit 'em where they ain't strikes again. :lol:

Getting the scroll and the shield with a 1964 date can only happen if its the only diplo win submitted. :eek:

It shows that there is hope for everyone: if you hang around long enough, you can win something by accident. :mischief: ;)

As Mitchum guessed, it was a miss click, and one that I did not even notice until I saw this post... This is a doubly-dumb missclick because as I was going to download the save, I was debating to myself if I should take contender, or challenger (to get better trading partners.)

:lol: :lol:
I think that's quite an easy mistake to make, since on the download page, the adventurer links are usually just above where it says 'contender class game'.

I got caught out by that a couple of times - a long time ago - but discovered in time because usually the first thing I do when I open the game, before I move anything, is look at the game settings page to see what I'm up against ;) Because of that, I've learned to double check the file name after I've downloaded the game! (The contender file is actually called botmXXcontender.etc....)

At least you submitted. I got to the point of having settled about 5 cities, then real life got in the way and I never got any further. Didn't even discover who the other civs were, apart from the Americans. I do also have a vague memory of a moment of utter panic when my explorer discovered a couple of barbarian berserkers just east of the start, at a time when I had no resources to build anything except longbowmen!!! (Ummm - thanks, kcd_swede) Luckily the berserkers never wandered into my territory.

Great concept for a game!
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