Nifskope Install issues


Aug 28, 2011
First off let me say that the issue is not related to the XML files or "libpng12.0".

While compiling Nifskope (after installing and compiling Qt), I encountered several error messages. The first I managed to fix (it was missing the glext.h file... don't know why. Someone might have pushed a bad build accidentally, but no matter) but the next one has me stumped and my Google searches are turning up results, just not for Macs (or if they are for Macs, it's a different issue).

I believe that it has something to do with a missing library reference, but I don't know which.

Terminal output:
Spoiler :
Walter-Ego:~ walterego$ cd nifskope
Walter-Ego:nifskope walterego$ make
/usr/bin/g++-4.2 -headerpad_max_install_names -arch i386 -o basemodel.o BlockDXT.o ColorBlock.o dds_api.o DirectDrawSurface.o Image.o Stream.o glcontroller.o GLee.o glmarker.o glmesh.o glnode.o glparticles.o glproperty.o glscene.o gltex.o gltexloaders.o gltools.o renderer.o glview.o 3ds.o importex.o obj.o kfmmodel.o kfmxml.o message.o nifdelegate.o nifexpr.o nifmodel.o nifproxy.o nifskope.o niftypes.o nifvalue.o nifxml.o NvTriStrip.o NvTriStripObjects.o qtwrapper.o VertexCache.o options.o qhull.o spellbook.o animation.o blocks.o bounds.o color.o flags.o fo3only.o havok.o headerstring.o light.o material.o mesh.o misc.o moppcode.o morphctrl.o normals.o optimize.o sanitize.o skeleton.o stringpalette.o strippify.o tangentspace.o texture.o transform.o colorwheel.o copyfnam.o fileselect.o floatedit.o floatslider.o groupbox.o inspect.o nifcheckboxlist.o nifeditors.o nifview.o refrbrowser.o uvedit.o valueedit.o xmlcheck.o bsa.o fsengine.o fsmanager.o moc_basemodel.o moc_gltex.o moc_glview.o moc_kfmmodel.o moc_nifmodel.o moc_nifproxy.o moc_nifskope.o moc_options.o moc_spellbook.o moc_skeleton.o moc_stringpalette.o moc_texture.o moc_colorwheel.o moc_copyfnam.o moc_fileselect.o moc_floatedit.o moc_floatslider.o moc_inspect.o moc_nifcheckboxlist.o moc_nifeditors.o moc_nifview.o moc_refrbrowser.o moc_uvedit.o moc_valueedit.o moc_xmlcheck.o moc_fsmanager.o qrc_nifskope.o -L/opt/local/lib -lQtXml -lQtOpenGL -lQtGui -lQtNetwork -lQtCore -framework OpenGL -framework AGL
Undefined symbols:
"_CFURLCreateWithFileSystemPath", referenced from:
__GLeeGetProcAddress(char const*)in GLee.o
"___CFConstantStringClassReference", referenced from:
cfstring=/System/Library/Frameworks/OpenGL.framework in GLee.o
"_CFBundleCreate", referenced from:
__GLeeGetProcAddress(char const*)in GLee.o
"_kCFAllocatorDefault", referenced from:
_kCFAllocatorDefault$non_lazy_ptr in GLee.o
(maybe you meant: _kCFAllocatorDefault$non_lazy_ptr)
"_CFStringCreateWithCString", referenced from:
__GLeeGetProcAddress(char const*)in GLee.o
"_CFRelease", referenced from:
__GLeeGetProcAddress(char const*)in GLee.o
__GLeeGetProcAddress(char const*)in GLee.o
__GLeeGetProcAddress(char const*)in GLee.o
"_CFBundleGetFunctionPointerForName", referenced from:
__GLeeGetProcAddress(char const*)in GLee.o
ld: symbol(s) not found
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
make: *** [] Error 1

I still consider myself a noob, so most of that is just gobbelygook to me.

Any help would be appreciated.

Also, I'm trying to install the newest versions of everything, which I take it may not be fully supported. Still, I'm going to keep trying to fix it and if I manage to do so before someone else does, I'll do my best to outline the method.
Edit: Oops, wrong place (my original comment). I'd still would great appreciate any assistance, guidance, and/or irreverently humorous comments.
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