• Civilization 7 has been announced. For more info please check the forum here .

One Question.


Forza Inter!
Feb 8, 2003
South FL
Do I need to have PTW to install Conquests?
No. Only the original Civilization III will be required.

And before you ask your next question -- nothing's been announced about what features of PTW will be carried over to Civ Conquests, short of the most obvious fixes and improvements to the core game.

Jeff Foley
So it's entirely possible that a user will be able to play PTW or Conquests, but not a combination of the two that merges the best of both.
Originally posted by MadHatter
So it's entirely possible that a user will be able to play PTW or Conquests, but not a combination of the two that merges the best of both.

Well, I don't know about YOU, but I think that would be silly to throw out all the benefits of the first expansion to play the second. If I own Civ, and I own Civ PTW, and I buy Civ Conquests, I can play a game that takes advantage of all three titles.

The only open issue is how much of Civ PTW does a non-PTW-owner who buys Civ Conquests get to take advantage of. For instance, does he or she get the AI improvements from PTW? Yes -- you can't separate that from the core game. But what about the 8 civs (Spain, Arabs, etc.)? The multiplayer modes? The extra tilesets and editor units like the dinosaurs? We'll issue more guidance on that in the coming months.

Jeff Foley
I think that would be silly, too, but not outside the realm of possibility. Thanks to you, we don't have to worry about that. What you've said (correct me if I'm wrong) is that if a user owns PTW, the "Conquests" experience will encompass all the best of the PTW enhancements as well.

Thank you for that morsel of information about Conquests, I look forward to many more hours of enjoying Civ3 when C3C is released later this year.
and it's a pleasure to have someone from ATARI actually talking to us and explaining us stuff about the new expansion
Originally posted by Inter32
and it's a pleasure to have someone from ATARI actually talking to us and explaining us stuff about the new expansion

You're welcome. Call it a policy shift. I certainly won't comment on everything I read, but I disliked the "far away in an ivory tower" image that was sometimes being associated with us.

Mind you, you won't catch me leaking civ leader names or anything like that... :cool:

Jeff Foley
Jeff. I live in Australia and am about to buy PTW.

Can you tell me which version it is?
American? European? or what?
Which patch will work with it?

I have not bought it before, because I could not find out...anywhere.
I think that you may have to install PTW to play CIv. conquest like Medal of Honor Rasing Sun. It is the second expansion and you need all the past games to play it.
Originally posted by Jeff_ATARI

Mind you, you won't catch me leaking civ leader names or anything like that... :cool:

plaese??? not even one??? :rolleyes: :D
Originally posted by Merepatra

The Australian version is the US one... and the US patch works with it.

Just to echo this as correct. I am Australian and have PTW and it is the US version and the US 1.21f works with it.
Originally posted by Jeff_ATARI
The only open issue is how much of Civ PTW does a non-PTW-owner who buys Civ Conquests get to take advantage of. For instance, does he or she get the AI improvements from PTW? Yes -- you can't separate that from the core game. But what about the 8 civs (Spain, Arabs, etc.)? The multiplayer modes? The extra tilesets and editor units like the dinosaurs? We'll issue more guidance on that in the coming months.

Just make sure I don't feel ripped off because I've bought PTW...
Originally posted by Jeff_ATARI

Well, I don't know about YOU, but I think that would be silly to throw out all the benefits of the first expansion to play the second. If I own Civ, and I own Civ PTW, and I buy Civ Conquests, I can play a game that takes advantage of all three titles.

The only open issue is how much of Civ PTW does a non-PTW-owner who buys Civ Conquests get to take advantage of. For instance, does he or she get the AI improvements from PTW? Yes -- you can't separate that from the core game. But what about the 8 civs (Spain, Arabs, etc.)? The multiplayer modes? The extra tilesets and editor units like the dinosaurs? We'll issue more guidance on that in the coming months.

Jeff Foley

So if we have all three installed we will have all the features of all three (most important all the civs of all three)
Jeff, it's nice to hear from you guys.

I was wondering, if things such as the AI improvements are being brought over for Conquests, does that imply there will be no changes /additions to the AI in Conquests? I was kind of hoping some of the more glaring weaknesses of the AI would be addressed in the new XP.

Here's a brief list of things off the top of my head:

Exploits - Making AI declare on you by repeatedly trying to conduct a spy mission.

There is a very good thread from someone who listed a bunchof exploits.

Naval Warfare - AI's use of its navies needs to be beefed up
Originally posted by dexters
Jeff, it's nice to hear from you guys.

I was wondering, if things such as the AI improvements are being brought over for Conquests, does that imply there will be no changes /additions to the AI in Conquests? I was kind of hoping some of the more glaring weaknesses of the AI would be addressed in the new XP.

Unga bunga... me marketing... me no program.... ehhh, I've tried that routine already.

I don't know what changes are being made to the AI, and even if I did I wouldn't confirm any of them here just yet anyways. Too much can change. All I was trying to say regarding the AI is that if you didn't own Play the World, you wouldn't lose 'AI tunings' introduced in PTW if you just bought Civ Conquests.

I'm finding 20 different ways of saying the same thing:
"If you didn't buy Play the World, don't let that stop you from picking up Civ Conquests in October."

Jeff Foley

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Let me summarize:
  • Conquest will have (improved) multiplayer, no matter what. No PTW required.
  • AI improvements & bugs will certainly be in too. No PTW required.
  • Medieval Infantry and Guerilla were necessary improvements too. No PTW required.
  • The eight new Civs can be left out. PTW required for that.
  • Conquests will have a better editor, so PTW's improvements on that part must be in too. No PTW required.
I can't think of more.

I don't want to split hairs or bully Firaxis, but when I look at this, I can't imagine anyone will want to buy PTW after Conquests.
:undecide: Unless you're gonna give the PTW owner something extra in a patch or something. :p (Now I'm really giving a bad anti-capitalism-feelings-provoking suggestion... :satan: )
[*]The eight new Civs can be left out. PTW required for that.

can we get these separately then without buying ptw? and just buying conquests?
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