One of my hard disks gave up in March, so I decided to set my PC up fresh from start. Lost some of the newer saves from this game though. Latest save I found in my backup is from 130 AD (attached).
Pre 130 AD:
Despite my 100% efforts (I still remember it like it was yesterday) I did not get Republic as first. Someone beat me to it, and whats even worse, one of the Scientific Civ's got Feudalism as their free tech, and traded Republic for it with another AI. Feudalism can be as early in the tech tree as Republic, especially when tech rate is fast - even on emperor. So I spent some turns in Republic, but my long streched Empire, along with the work force did not allow for very fast research. After getting Feudalism I revolted immediately from Republic to it. A lot more workers were needed, a lot more Military towards east and west - also some south. Republic did not satisfy this need, especially with only a few 7+ cities around. Also founded some feudal cities (named W1, W2, W3,...). Those cities only produce workers and catapults/Trebuchets, and would lateron get disbanded once I revolt back to Republic. I stand by my opinion that Feudalism was very beneficial in this setting, at least for some time.
After 130AD: (later saves all lost.....)
Founded some more Feudal Cities (until W11 oder W12 iirc). Huge workforce clearing Jungle.
I remember getting a Leader from the Japanese lateron in the west. They were not at war yet in 130 AD, but as I was ready with Pikes and Med's I urged them to leave my territory (which they obviously did not). Initiated GA with War Chariot. Only took one City from the Japanese. They did not have anthing of value for me. Fortified the captured city, in case they would get greedy again. Afterwards I headed east, conquering the Carthaginians (with lots of Trebuchets from my Feudal cities, some timely pop rushing), and some cities from the Americans too (who somehow felt threatened). Apart from Gems, Carthage had a second Lux which I did not see in the early turns. Then revolted back to Republic. Finally disbanded some of the Feudal cities, especially those built after 130 AD.
- Could have done somewhat better, especially with early spacing, as some correctly pointed out.
- Clearing that much jungle sufficiently early clearly requires much effort. Much more than a Republic can handle imho, especially if you have to protect two borders far away from each other. And prepare for a war at the same time, getting GA and 2 Lux
- Huge Pangea Maps can make for pretty fast tech rate, even on Emperor.
- In retroperspective, at the time of my earlier save, I should have gone for 0% Science, trade for Construction as it was available, then max (or even min) on Feudalism. Could've traded for Republic lateron as needed.