Overly Passive AI: UPDATE

perhaps the handicap bonuses could even be lowered in the future.
I think they're in a nice spot right now. You'd have to ask Deity players if things are consistently too easy/hard; that's preferably when we should make adjustments. Plus we're still continuing to observe all the ramifications over the course of our games from the plethora of wonderful diplomacy changes you've recently introduced. :c5happy:
I think they're in a nice spot right now. You'd have to ask Deity players if things are consistently too easy/hard; that's preferably when we should make adjustments. Plus we're still continuing to observe all the ramifications over the course of our games from the plethora of wonderful diplomacy changes you've recently introduced. :c5happy:

Oh, I wasn't proposing to change them personally - I very rarely make any changes related to balance, and even then only small ones. I was just making an observation. Diplomacy is my game :)
I have started an 8-players standard Terra match on Emperor difficulty normal speed as Carthage on a land locked capital, i have not had a single turn after T60-70 without being at war with at least 2 AIs and they have been spamming units at my cities like crazy; they put sanctions on me, Open door on my CS allies, spamming great generals and stealing my lands and taking a single city takes like 10 turns of fighting and they do fight back and the damned 3-tiles ranged attack of a 70~ combat strength is ridiculous in early industrial era.
Although my experience on Emperor was pretty rough before the AI bonuses got adjusted, i can feel the changes made in the latest patch to the AI unit building & attacking formation but the Navy/Land units building logic could use some tweaking.
A small update on this match.
While the main land force of Denmark was on the other side of the mountains in the east, this is an ok attack force to take a city state that would have fallen if i have not intervened.
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The aftermath of multiple wars fought between the three civilizations and the aggressive usage of great generals by Denmark.
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Problems described in this topic happening again. It is even worse now becouse there are gazzilions sleeping units. AI with extremaly big army (land units on every hex) doing totally nothing. I played 3 games on newest beta and didnt's seen any cities taken by the AI.
Nothing happening besides some skirmish mounted or naval attacks. Meele, range, siege units just sitting there in wall formations extremally passive.
Problems described in this topic happening again. It is even worse now becouse there are gazzilions sleeping units. AI with extremaly big army (land units on every hex) doing totally nothing. I played 3 games on newest beta and didnt's seen any cities taken by the AI.
Nothing happening besides some skirmish mounted or naval attacks. Meele, range, siege units just sitting there in wall formations extremally passive.

Make a bug report on Github, please.

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