P&Q (praise and questions)


Jan 14, 2006
ive been watching this thread for, like, a year or so now. Keep up the good work folks. Im sure there are many people waiting for this mod. Sorry I cant offer anything more constructive than that. :rolleyes:


Initial thoughts as to mapping consisted of two versions - planet surface and star systems. Im sure you have decided what you feel is best but if i could throw in my two pence worth...

In FFH one civ had cities with the city screen size as their city radius - something like 9x9 tiles (? - maybe 7x7 ?). What will the city radius size be in this? Did you plan to make the planets city radius size to allow for a mix of land and 'sea/space' combat? Limit all land based units to 1 move - or could you have multi moves but large movement cost terrain if you wanted blitz?


Id much prefer to have squadrons like xwings as aircraft - a la 'Final Frontier' so you could have the capital ships launch them, as well as planets/star bases, which is more in keeping with the original movies. They are, after all, auxillary to the capital ships. This would also give a proportional aspect to the game - loads more X-Wings than Mon Calamari Cruisers.

And Finally...

Are you planning to have the game split into eras - i.e. old republic, new repuplic, post republic (or whatever its called - not up to scratch on my post Ep 6) instead of ancient/industrial/modern (for eg) OR will you have in effect three scenarios? I only ask because (personally) I couldnt give a siht about ep1-3 era.
As of now nothing is really set in stone for this mod.

I think we settled on 3*3 planets
The game is split into eras, I forget what they are though
I don't think any scenarios are planned at the moment.

You don't have to have any modding knowledge to help with this mod, we need diplomacy text right now, anyone with a little time and a knowledge of the EU can do that (with the help of Wookieepedia of course)

Post republic is known as legacy... the order is (for me at least)...
Old Republic--Rise of the Empire--Rebellion--New Republic--New Jedi Order--Legacy

Don't be a prequel hater:nono:
Carriers will be able to carry fighters but we need the land transport modcomp to be completed first so the AI knows how to use them.
3x3 planets
the eras are the ones listed on wookiepedia also the ones Jawa posted
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