Pangea Communitas?


Apr 8, 2024
Not sure if this is the right place to ask, but since communitas seems to be *the* map of VP I thought I'd ask here.

Does anyone know if it's possible to force the communitas map to spawn as a single continent pangea, as opposed to continents or terra? I'm a big fan of the generation, but I find that having all players on a single continent, with some smaller land masses for colonisation, is the most fun for multiplayer. Terra sometimes results in a single continent with some islands which is ideal, but I was wondering if there was a way to force that generation.
I usually put all of the map settings on random and have had one giant blob of land. I think it was on a smaller map though, maybe tiny size. If I had to guess, it would be the 'blocky' setting.

I also think there is an option to start everyone on the same continent leaving a 'new world' to be discovered and colonized. That might not be exactly what you're looking for, but it might be worth a shot playing on it at least once to try.
Set one rift/no rift and you should get that pretty often.
If doing all that and you still want more land. You can also increase the water/land ratio in the communitas map file.
I think sea level is an option on communitas. Like Rosete said, set it to low if you have the option which should make the land bigger and the oceans smaller.
Communitu with low oceans tends to create awkward maps where everyone effortlessly gets to settle a like dozen cities, though.
you can adjust attenuation values in your communitu_79a.lua . default is 0
set oceans to none or 1 and mglobal.iceLatitude to 90 to remove most of ice

mglobal.northAttenuationFactor = 0.20
mglobal.northAttenuationRange = 0.40 --percent of the map height.
mglobal.southAttenuationFactor = 0.20
mglobal.southAttenuationRange = 0.40

mglobal.eastAttenuationFactor = 0.20
mglobal.eastAttenuationRange = 0.30 --percent of the map width.
mglobal.westAttenuationFactor = 0.20
mglobal.westAttenuationRange = 0.30
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