Plug And Play Wish List


Feb 13, 2002
Calgary Alberta, Canada
Please Post here if you would like to see a particular unit, building, civ or other that is not already in one of the libraries.
I would really like the Albania/Illyria,(Amra's) Italy, and the Pakistan and Yemen Civs from civ gold
A font file would be nessary and I think you will have an issue with the font assignment mangling if your have multiple religion modules.

For example lets say you add religions 8, 9 and 10 and a new font set with an 8th, 9th and 10th font pair. Because load order is not guaranteed its possibly that #10 loads first and attached to font pair 8. The way to solve this (other then some code which I'm planning) is for the user of the modules to merge the ReligionInfos.xml files of the modules into one file that has the religions in the order matching the extensions to the font system. So religions #8 (first in module) would take font 8 and #9 would take font 9 and so on. Leaving some fonts un-used shouldn't cause any trouble either.

P.S. Fortunately Bonuses now now font indexing so you can make them modular without worrying about mis-matches.
After seeing that religions are able to be modularized, I'd like to not live without the extra religions that were in Amra's mod (like Hellenism, Asatru, Mesoamericanism, Zoroaster, and Amun-Ra)

I'd also like to see a 300 inspired Spartan Civ or make a Leonidas leader for Greece.

Thanks in advance for wish list. I love the modules. Great stuff. Thank you and Happy Civving!
I wouldn't mind seeing an Australia civ, lead by Lauchlan Maquarie perhaps?
I' d really love a module with the ability to purchase promotions for units as introduced in Broken Star Mod of BTS.
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