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Problem Gifting Units in MP


Nov 5, 2001
Spearfish, SD
I'm having a problem with gifting units in an MP game. Two of my friends and I are playing a LAN game in a locked team. When it came time for a major war, I went to gift a few units to one of them and found that I couldn't. All that it said on the button was "<insert name> won't accept that" Now, here's the stumper. At various times I have been able to gift him units and vice-versa. At other times, he can gift units to me but I can not gift them back. Also, sometimes I can gift units to one of my allies, but not the other, or vice versa as well. We are however to gift units to any AI we are working with. We're quite stumped on what is triggering the ability to gift between us. The civilopedia is wondefully helpful with its whole sentance on gifting units (something to the affect of "sometimes you will recieve gifts from you allies") and the instruction book is even less helpful. So.... if anyone understands the terms of gifting and can explain it better, we would greatly appreciate it.
maybe if u are in war, u cant recieve gift?

i only tried to give gold to my team mate, it wont let me do it, but i am able to give gold to my enemy
Nah, we've tried everything. Being at war, or peace. Under the same civics and different ones. The same state religion and different ones. Having the exact same options selected and everything. We are completely stumped to find any pattern as to why we cannot gift sometimes and can at others. We've also checked, there is no tech that allows gifting like there is with gold/tech/map trading.
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