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Problem with game freezing


Aug 26, 2008
When I scroll around the map the game locks up. The music still plays however the game does nothing. CPU is stuck on 25% - it's using all of one core. Seems to happen most often with a map I've made:

View attachment GreeceModMap3.zip

It also happens most often on huge maps - no matter what setting I use.. Playing in DX9 improves the amount of time I get before a freeze up, also disabling everything I can on the nVidia control panel for civ5 bought me a few more turns of stability. I have a GTS 8800 - I know there are probs with DX10 on this card but DX9 was running fine.... I'm also running the lowest possible video settings as this also seems to help.

So my questions:

1. Could somebody, with a different graphics card, play a few turns and scroll around the map alot and see if it crashes please :D
2. Is there a known problem I'm missing?
3. Is it something about my map, if so anybody know what?

Thanks to anyone who replies :D
768MB - Think the 8800 problem is due to DX10.1 being used to make the game. GTS 8800's don't support 10.1 :( but DX9 should be fine!

Thanks for answering :)
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