Project Atlantis- Unofficial Board Game


Sep 15, 2005
Sydney, Aus
Project Atlantis---> Unofficial Board Game!

Well, the forum has been up for a while, but after some absence I hope to make this a great board game. Many have probably started and dropped out from making a board game, but I want this to work.

I am currently in the "ideas" stage, whereby I am just gathering thoughts from other Civ fans, and seeing how we can implement them into the board game.

So peruse the forum, and help me make a great board game.

Also, art is needed for game units, buildings etc for the game, so show off them at the forum!

Most of all, enjoy the forum!
Umm, so what kind of board game is this? Is it for the computer?
No, not quite, more of an open thing, whereby people can move in either squares, or inches (depending on what gets decided upon) based on unit movement points. Moves are based on how fast the unit is, and what terrain it can be moving across.

It seems a little hard to explain, but I hope I have cleared it up :D
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