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Punishment Strategy

AFTER THE PATCH I am not purrfectly sure if A.Is buy cities anymore...in my latest game when I monstered the Chinese once again and in the peace treaty managed to squeeze them for money and a small city.

I went to war with the Zulus which meant that city was very vulnerable and I was not prepared to go to a grand effort to defend it (it had one non-jungle square...I demanded it because I could :D ) and I tried to sell it. No way, not f or 1 gold even :eek: So I gave it to them as I figured it would be better that way.

DIRECTLY CONCERNING THIS STRATEGY...I can see how it can be cost effective BUT I find that being at war with a powerful enemy (I'm playing at Monarch level) which has something to offer people can mean they bring in more nations to fight. In my first game on a world map my war with Babylon which never saw Babylonian and my English troops meeting, yet saw fighting for 9 civilisation as I paid for nations to join me in the fight as the Babylonians had bought other civs to fight me!

Thus if you plan to pursue this "endless raid" strategy I'd expect a flaring up of other states versus your civilisation! A stable world is not encouraged by you being at war with another civilisation.

So far in the wars I engage in I have found the A.I to do enough to require me to take an active part...I have had to actively defend my territories and have had to usually bring about some settlement by force of arms or treaty. Not always have I been the one receiving tribute after a peace treaty! This paragraph sums up to me much of the civ2/civ3 difference...in civ2 I rarely had to increase my military to win wars, I made do with whatever I had knocking round...in civ3 I actively have to prepare for war and execute it should it be declared :goodjob:
I've always been able to sell cities for lots of money. In one game, the Chinese were paying me 145 gold per turn for 3 cities which were size 1 and just taken from them culturally. After the 20 turns were up the cities usually defected back and I sold them again. I was able to get 100% science for most of the game. When I decided to win the game by conquest, I had every technology available and the chinese had just gotten cavalry. This was on Prince!
Hi everyone, it is my first post to this Forum!

First of all I must say that the Punishment
Strategy seems to be optimal if one doesn't
like military conquest (like me) and if the
civ is far from you (e.g. at another continent).

In my recent game (Babylonian, Regent, Huge,
16 civs) I am the greatest civ at one continent
(almost one Era ahead in technology, other
civs pay most of my maintenance costs for techs
that I give them) and Greeks are the greatest
at the other (all of them are even less
advanced). They were about to conquer their
weaker neighbours so I have decided to stop that.
At first I tried to support the most endangered
ones (Japanese and Romans) with Iron, Horses and
some technologies but it didn't work - Japanese
were destroyed and Romans were about to do the
same. So when Aztecs asked me to get into
alliance against Greeks, I agreed and traded
almost any other significant civ to join me. It
didn't help Romans a lot so I launched four
expeditions (one Galleon and then three Transports)
with Cavalry, Infantry and Artillery, started to
conquer Greek cities (former Japanese and Roman
ones) and give them to Romans immediately (they
refused to pay - from the other hand, they have
almost no gold). I have given them about 10
cities (only 2 or 3 former Roman cities are
left) and recently made peace with Greeks - after
they agreed to pay me a sufficient contribution,
of course ;)

Now (about 1770) they are much less powerful
(some civs from my continent are comparable with
them). They try to take the cities back but up
to now they re-captured only one - especially
that they fight very hard with Americans and, in
addition, are at war with Egypt, China and Persia,
perhaps also Aztecs.
I tend to agree that AI is pretty good at picking a good city from a crap one. Sometimes you cant even give them away.

It's amazing how well and often this "ancient times" strategy works though...
Launch a good old fashioned invasion on an enemy, and capture 1 or 2 good cities, razing a few of the others. Quite often, the enemy will suddenly appear with a pile of swordsmen on your doorstep, easily enough to reclaim their city back.

At this stage, when your doom is certain, contact them with "we seem to have overextended..." and ask them to make the offer for peace.

Quite often, the enemy will offer all their gold, tech, contacts and a couple of small citys for the peace treaty - At a point in the war where they were just about to kick your ass.

This is one of the truly satisfying aspects of the game (monarch level).:egypt:
has anybody ever got the a.l to pay you per turn for some thing besides citys i have never got them to do it.i have offerd them 1 gold per turn for some lux they allways so no but when i offer them 40 gold in slum they allways say yes add this up 20 turns 1 gold 20 gold at the end they pick to pay 40 insted of 1\20 for the same thing.the a.l has forgot to grow the rest of his brian
Am I the only one that thinks that all of you do not have your game patched? In the new patches, you can not sell cities for any amount of money to another civ, only give it as a gift or get one in a peace treaty.
Originally posted by battle ship
has anybody ever got the a.l to pay you per turn for some thing besides citys i have never got them to do it.i have offerd them 1 gold per turn for some lux they allways so no but when i offer them 40 gold in slum they allways say yes add this up 20 turns 1 gold 20 gold at the end they pick to pay 40 insted of 1\20 for the same thing.the a.l has forgot to grow the rest of his brian

If you have a poor reputation, the AI will not accept per-turn deals such as gold per turns or resources because they are afraid that you will break your word.
but how can i if i go to war then i brake a peace treaty. one time the othere civ put a pop city on my iron that was next to my mian city and i was at war with a othere civ and had no trade with that civ so i cant do war without going to war with the othere
if the AI attacks me, sometimes i just cut his recources and roads everywhere i can and keep his empire broken up and never ever ever let him have peace until his war weariness is just insane and he's practically beggin for peace and i'm, cruising along.
I use Monarchy as gov.
Conquer the cities around their capital ..... they will pray for peace ... and give some more cities along
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