Solid work here. That cash was burning a hole in our pocket, and you spent it to good use. Nice job getting Gravity Accelerators. I decided to give it a miss in my shadow round, mainly because I am sick of paying per turn, but that's a personal choice.

Solid work recognizing when another planet could build a trade good and give you an overall shorter social build stretch.

One the first turn, you could have gotten a useful small tech (say nano-frequency electronics), while getting the manu capital at the same time. That way you could have one more thing in the queue while Earth is wonder building. Just food for thought. I like to keep plenty of good moral or economy boosters in the queue while I am chasing the wonders/trade goods.

Good work splitting the freighters, and sending them to the proper locations. Question: what is the main thing you look for in the planet to which you send freighters?

Overall--solid turn. Guess you bring out the big guns when playing for keeps, eh? That's two good official turns in a row.

Bam-Bam (ON DECK)
Brackard (no-PC hell)
Rojo (just played)
blacksmoke (UP, but still MIA)

Blacksmoke, you have 24 hours, otherwise I will play and post the official game. The rest of you, play and post by Tuesday night. My comments will be up Wednesday. You all should be thinking and playing this turn to start setting us up to do some Alien stomping. :hammer:
Originally posted by Bam-Bam
One the first turn, you could have gotten a useful small tech (say nano-frequency electronics), while getting the manu capital at the same time. That way you could have one more thing in the queue while Earth is wonder building.

Just to make sure I understand this. Are you saying that I should have split my income distribution between Research and Social? Would I have had enough to get both the next turn?

Question: what is the main thing you look for in the planet to which you send freighters?

I tend to look for population figuring that I get more return on my trade with a larger population that I would with a smaller one.
Well, well... look at that. I learned something new again. It never even occurred to me to even try it, but I decided to answer my own question.

I went back and played the first turn again, but this time keeping the income distribution the same. I also dialed in SiBCaT and saw that by increasing the amount spent on reasearch up to about 262, should allow me to get it next turn as well as getting Mfg Capital. Played the turn and voila, I got both. This would have indeed helped with my dilemma on running out of social builds later on.
Good answer on the trade question--the ones I love are the AI double/triple/quadruple planet sytems.

I also knew it would work when I made the comment, since I did it in my shadow turn. :D
Ok. Looking good. We are doing 23% of the galactic trade. I drop spending a bit to keep TS Steel due next month, but save 32bc. Minor tweak. Add shipyard to the end of the queue, since we will be wanting beefier ships. :hammer: Add a tick to the espionage slider for the majors, which uses the 32bc I was saving on the social spending.




Good news.

Some other social stuff completes. Time for some research. Here kitty-kitty. Warp Drive will take two months? What say you SiBCaT? One month with a 100bc deficit? Ok, kitty.


Warp Drive comes in. Good kitty (meow). Tactics needs about 100bc less. Done. I reroute the freighter heading to monkey boy to one of his more populous planets, delaying its connection.


Tactics comes in. Next up, Alliances. Time to restock the treasury--due in 2 months at +250ish.

Monkey boy declares on the Yor? When did he join the Guardians? :lol:


Mark an econ resource in 7-0. Keep scouting with a couple of colony ships and a free freighter.


Alliances comes in. SiBCaT says that I can dial up the deficit and get hyperspace in a turn. Since we have over 400 in the bank, 150 deficit won't hurt.


Oops. :blush: Guess I did not pad kitty's estimate enough. No hyperspace. Ah well, dial up a social round with 100bc to research. That'll do the trick. Tag an economic in 13-2. Consider that a :whipped: to the trainer.


Hyperspace, and a few socials. Dial up spending to get Star Democracy in two.


Our freighter with the Yor connects, and we get a 25% research bonus anomaly. That's 500bc for this tech.


Star Democracy comes in, and we have a new government. Time to head to battleships.


More scouting of Yor space, and our Drengin freighter connects.

Alterians and Yor make peace.


More scouting. I have all but one Yor planet out of the fog.

End of Year

Battleships is due in two months. Trust SiBCaT, but check what the game tells you after one turn with no adjustments. If it says it's due in next month (which is should) we are good to go. That will give us capital ship capability and combat transports. We can build the hyperion manu center at Earth for more production boost. Next player will have to decide what will put us further down the path to military glory. We are going to have to do something about morale, though--our largest planets are hovering around 54.

Not a lot of screenies here, but the research was not very interesting, other than interacting with SiBCaT.

The Game
Wow - Did I ever go a different route than you. You will defintely have to explain the reasoning behind the research route. This is the part of the game where I stumble along and I would love to get an understanding of your thinking here.

I will wait for your critique of my round before asking further questions.
Ok. Since Brackard is still down for the count, we are going to take a couple of day break from the action--I'd rather this not be a rojo-Bam-Bam only show.

Brackard, any ETA on your ability to play again?
I should be getting my PC back today and I'll catch up and post my turns over the weekend. With a bit of luck, I might get my turns up tonight, but that's a long shot. (redownloading galciv and other necessary items).
After a brief hiatus, I am back.

Okay, upon opening up, I see we are still the most powerful nation. We are doing 20% of the trading in the galaxy. We are 1+1 turn away from battleship, so that should be the easy part of the turn. A few of the majors are up 1D phasing on us, but nothing serious to worry about.

I believe I’ll just finish up working on battleship, then start churning some of these out and see where we end up at the end of the round.

Other things of note. The Torian Hoth system is unhappy but we have no cultural influence there. Also, the Yor and Dren are at war. That helps our cause a bit. They should both be concentrating on military build up against each other. Research will not be high on their priority list. The Dren have a nice little cache of battle cruisers at their disposal. The Yor, frigates, defenders, and corvettes. Waste that military there you two!

Looking over the trading opportunities, I trade culttural trade to the Caranoids for Aprhodisiacs. While on paper, this looks like a poor trade, all the other majors already had cultural trade, so we lost nothing in terms of a monopoly on the tech. I thought it was worth it.

And off we go:

Jan: Nothing

Feb: Alexians get a Man Cap.

Mar: Dren freighter arrives. Battleship comes in. We are the first with BS tech. We currently have a LOT of planets. I’ve set all but the bottom seven producing battleships. The bottom seven I have producing constructors. If nothing else, we should be able to at least ‘claim’ these resources without producing starbases.

We should have a nice little battleship force in progress for the next emperor. Spending set to 77% (even). If we feel like it, we could always research for the next level manufacturing, but we have such a military output it shouldn’t matter right now. Let the military spending commence.

Apr: Torian freighter comes in. Constructor completed, set to military resource claimed by Torians just north of production.

May: Dren freighter comes in.

June: Nothing

July: Alexian freighter comes in. Yor, Econ Capital. 1st Battleship produced at Earth. Dren/Yor make peace.

Aug: A few constructors produced, sent on their way to the nearest resources (concentrating on military).

Sep: The minor Adinians settle Lacaille 3 spaces away from Beeltegeuse on our northern border. They will be taken by the end of the year. Alva switched to a combat transport, and yes, we lose some production because they were producing battleships and were halfway done. Combat transport due next year. Wait a second, I note a Dren constructor headed towards the military resource in our area. We have two turns. I will delay the order on the combat transport. I switch Avla to constructor, Beetlegeuse to combat transport. We will end up losing some production on both planets, but I think it’s worth gaining the military resource and an additional planet. Time will tell.

Oct: Alexians get Frictionless clothing. Altarians declar war on the Dren. Military resource claimed in the north. Okay, now on to the Adinians. They have 120M on the planet. How many to bring? It’s a PQ16, so I don’t want too many left over, but want to be assured the win. I bring 540M. It ended up being a 9-2 tech advantage, so I brought way too much, or so I think. Here are the results:

Wait a second here, isn’t 524M what I BROUGHT to the invasion? Why yes, yes it was. I will build a colony ship out of here and send some back. Then again, we have a morale of 90 there at the moment, but we won’t be building social any time soon…

Whole bunch of constructors produced and assigned to various resources including upgrading the military to claiming unclaimed, to getting ready to poach various resources in the upcoming Torian battle.

I trade Alexians warp drive for Frictionless clothing. Only 120IP difference, so the trade was pretty tight. All majors had warp drive.

Nov: Dren produce Man Cap. Nothing exciting

Dec: Make contact with Arecans? Dang, forgot they even existed! They look to be in the stone age in terms of tech. 5 battleships, 3 constructors produced. Torian and Altarian freighter come in. I forgot to launch the ships. The autoturn kills me before I can move any ships and skips to the next month.

Jan: A few more battleships produced. I launch all the battleships from the various systems that I meant to do last turn, but I have not set auto. The next emperor can decide what to do with the navy.

We started the turn 5th in military, end it in 2nd? I thought we’d be first, but alas, we have another year before that will happen. The next emperor has a lot of fun coming up!

And the save
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