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Re-negotiating peace...


Aug 14, 2003
Is there a rep hit when you do this ? When I'm in the mood to extort technologies and or money from the AI, I usually renegotiate peace, and try to add whatever I want along with the peace treaty (instead of demanding it as tribute)?

Is there a rep hit for doing this if there is no other current deals with that particular civilization ?

Does anyone else do this, or am I the only one who likes to re-negotiate peace treaties ? :)
The trade advisor is funny when you do this. He has a surprised look on his face and asks you if you really want to re-negotiate peace.
Yea, when I'm ahead in techs and my military is strong, I like to extort a few extras as well.

I think it may hit your rep, though.

So if you want to end the game with a UN vote first make sure you are concentrating and set the right civ for war, along with MPPs/Alliances with the rest.
I don't recall seeing this in Bamspeedy's article, so that's what I'm basing my opinion on when I say "I don't think this hurts your relations."

I think the disadvantages are intended to be of a strategic nature. If you're not happy with your renegotiation, you can't take it back without declaring war -- which is an attitude hit. You also lock yourself into 20 turns of peace -- breaking that is an attitude hit and the more serious reputation hit. Including a gpt payment should also cause the AI to come back and renegotiate with you in 20 turns, which is another forced "declare war now or wait 20 turns" situation.

Can you still use these to get around a blackened reputation in C3C -- that is, buy stuff on credit?
Originally posted by JustBen
Can you still use these to get around a blackened reputation in C3C -- that is, buy stuff on credit?

Yes, you can, that is one of the few times I will renegotiate peace, is if my rep is trashed, and they have a tech I want to buy for GPT.
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