Realistic Future Era

Randy Chandy

Dec 13, 2018
What technologies/civics/units/wonders would you like to see in a detailed, realistic future era? This could include hypothetical technologies, stuff currently under development which is not yet practical, or stuff which Firaxis has simply not included yet.

Note - I am not a scientist - my explanations are highly simplified and may not be entirely accurate.


Optical Computing
- Computing using photons rather than electrical current to carry a signal. Potentially much faster.

Quantum Computing -
Computing using quantum phenomena, many potential implications - particularly in the field of cryptography.

Phage Therapy
- Alternative to antibiotics (bacteriophages are more specific), and one possible solution the the antibiotic apocalypse.

Virtual Reality
- Really cool video games and probably some educational uses.

Augmented Reality
- like VR, but overlayed onto the real world. Applications range from combat systems to advertising.

- Apparent wonder material with uses from electronics to water filtration.

- currently used by some torpedoes - projects an air bubble around the torpedo as it movies to reduce drag. Potentially could be used to make very fast submarines.

Dynamic Armor
- two metal plates with a charge difference between them, when a bullet breaches the armour it bridges the gap and the electrical current produced neutralises the bullet.

SABRE Engine
- Synthetic Air Breathing Rocket Engine - used to build a single stage space-plane.

Reusable Rocketry
- what SpaceX is already doing - currently being used to build Starlink - a constellation of low earth satellites for universal high speed internet.

Artificial Meat -
tastes like meat, but without the environmental footprint.

Vertical Farming -
using technology like hydroponics, aeroponics and light control to grow plants in any conditions and with a low environmental footprint. Probably a necessary step for effective space colonisation.

- allows secure and decentralised transactions - in theory anyway.

Photon Sail
- low cost (but slow) method of propelling space probes.

Rail Gun -
capable of hitting targets at large distances, much less expensive than rocket-propelled projectiles

Laser Weaponry -
currently under development. Could be used defensively (i.e. disable incoming warheads).

Neural Lace -
the ability the detect and interpret brainwaves currently exists in a very limited sense. This would be a full mind-machine interface.

Gravitational Lens -
the suns gravitational field bends light waves and so functions as a massive lens, a space telescope at the appropriate location could take advantage of this.

Asteroid Mining -
almost limitless metal resources can be found in the asteroid belt. The economic impacts of being able to retrieve them would be profound.

- The belief that humans should use technology to extend their bodies beyond their natural state - opposed to Bioconservatism.

Posthumanism - Extension of the above to the point where humanity is no longer recognisable.

Personalised Medicine - Tailored to your genome.

Universal Basic Income - currently in trials around the world.

Agroforestry -
the growing understanding that crops can be grown in a diverse ecosystem.

Exo-skeleton soldier -
many prototypes exist. Currently limited by battery power.

Supersonic Submarine -
see supercavitation above.

Spaceplane -
plane capable of exiting the atmosphere. See SABRE engine above. Google Skylon for an example.

Tilt-Rotor Aircraft -
combines some of the advantages of rotary and fixed-wing aircraft.

Ground X-Vehicle -
lighter and potentially autonomous vehicles, currently under investigation by DARPA.
I'll expand your (great) ideas with two of my own (well, not *my* ideas, but anyway..)

Low Altitude Vehicles - Uses vectored thrust and ground effect to skim/fly above the ground. Negates movement penalties for rivers, forests and hills. Basically a hover-tank that would phase out helicopters

Personal transit system - Whatever the Hell Elon Musk wants to do with his Boring Company after he finishes digging random holes in the ground. In GS they're introducing tunnels through mountains where units 'teleport' from one side of a mountain range to the other side, it costs two movement, regardless of the length of the tunnel. Same idea but for city centers, districts and neighborhoods (but not harbors, for reasons I won't explain) where movement from one side of a city to the other side doesn't cost any movement -if it's a friendly city, or you own the city. Otherwise yer huffing it old school.
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