Didn't find this question asked here before.
Since I wanted to play in a more realistic way, I changed death robot price to 80 uranium in Unitchanges2 file, so nobody could build it. Later in game one of my cities revolted and since that city had uranium, newly made citystate instantly got 4 death robots.
Is there any way how to remove death robots permanently, so that in similar situations they wouldn't just spawn from nowhere?
Didn't find this question asked here before.
Since I wanted to play in a more realistic way, I changed death robot price to 80 uranium in Unitchanges2 file, so nobody could build it. Later in game one of my cities revolted and since that city had uranium, newly made citystate instantly got 4 death robots.
Is there any way how to remove death robots permanently, so that in similar situations they wouldn't just spawn from nowhere?