Removing gigantic death robot


Sep 3, 2024
Didn't find this question asked here before.
Since I wanted to play in a more realistic way, I changed death robot price to 80 uranium in Unitchanges2 file, so nobody could build it. Later in game one of my cities revolted and since that city had uranium, newly made citystate instantly got 4 death robots.
Is there any way how to remove death robots permanently, so that in similar situations they wouldn't just spawn from nowhere?
Didn't find this question asked here before.
Since I wanted to play in a more realistic way, I changed death robot price to 80 uranium in Unitchanges2 file, so nobody could build it. Later in game one of my cities revolted and since that city had uranium, newly made citystate instantly got 4 death robots.
Is there any way how to remove death robots permanently, so that in similar situations they wouldn't just spawn from nowhere?
That's cool AF! Kinda Terminator vibes :D
What bobique100 said.
Basically you have to delete it from everywhere there's a reference, so Units, UnitClasses, Unit_Flavors, etc.
Then update the text files that talk about it.
Then hope no mod you use references it.
WIth InGameEditor you could have removed those when they spawned but since its a mod it needs to be loaded when game start and cant be added afterward.
newly made citystate instantly got 4 death robots
I had a game with 4uu,when Germany started to give Giant Robots to city states, when i realised they will never be upgraded and most likely not get killed :)
Also imagine, you can pump like 20 giant robots to 1 city state and then start a war :D
This will be slight off topic, but, if you give Giant Robots to city state, can they heal? Obviously, assuming city state does not have acces to uranium.
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