Republic; when?


Sep 30, 2001
In a game I am playing now, I can currently switch to Republic but I am not sure if that would be smart. The game is at prince level, on the world map, I am alone on the American continent and I have about 15 cities. The game year is 2000 B.C. So, would you switch to Republic or stay in Monarchy for a while longer.
Also, I have been wondering when you switch to Republic (if any you do) and why.
Thanks in advance.
It depends. I would generally go to republic as soon as I have enough cities and some amount of roads for trade. Once in republic and once you have a conciderable trade income, boost your luxuries for growt. It also depends on your happiness facilities, and your military relationship (you say you're alone, so that wont be a problem for now). Go for it.
I usually switch to republic when I can as long as I'm not waging a good war. Also if I have more than 5 cities. I'll still build more but I'll send them quick to the build site with roads built by NON settlers.
I usually treat Republic as a stepping stone to another government.
basically i go monarchy -> republic -> democracy. I will switch to republic when i have improvements to keep the cities from falling into disorders. I will make sure that i don't have too many settlers out, as they take 2 pieces of food instead of one. Whenever i get a chance to get to republic i will take it, it makes the transition smoother from monachy to democracy and it also makes your science output far greater than monarchy.
I would go to republic as soon as I can support it... I think it is on the non deity level quite soon...

talking about deity level I would only go to rebublic when a lot of my ground is irrigrated and that a lot of cities have marketplaces... and the first 3 trade routes made...

I use the republic to get fast loads of people with the presidents day... most of the time is this soemwhere on road when I build the micheals wonder
I prefer to go to Republic once each of my cities has 3 trade routes established. Then only a small luxury (10-20%) is all that is needed to maintain them.
Being a lover of units, I've always had problems with switching to republic early. I usually wait until I build Mike's Chapel, which gives me time to irrigate and mine before building cities with all my settlers. Once production is up, then I'll switch.

Try going directly from despotism to republic. Skip the research to monarchy altogether. Altho you suffer for production at first, you will race ahead of the other civs in gold and tech. With the WLT*D, you'll soon enough be able to build some settlers and mine the hills. This is a very effective way to start an early AC landing attempt.
*Reads Sodak's post in shock and disbelief*:eek:


*rushes off to look up despotism and then to try it*

It's so crazy it just may work!
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