[request] Automatic Ladder Reporting Mod


Feb 26, 2004
London, UK
Greetings all,
I was wondering if it was AT ALL possible to mod civ4 so that it can automatically report losses to the civ4players ladder website whilst keeping a photographic record of the match and a list of people who need to report to you.
Sick and tired of chasing up non-reporters just want to play ladder games with no stress :) This mod would make things a lot easier for new ladder players also.

This mod would need to be able to be used in multiplayer games without triggering the *MOD* tag in the staging room for obvious reasons.

A dialogue box should be triggered on the start of each match in which you must state whether or not this match is a ladder match or not.

Each match has a corresponding folder which contains a log of events for the match all with corresponding screenshots.
The events which need to be logged are:
The start of the match
All game settings, all players participating, time started.
Player is eliminated
The player is added to a list of people who need to report to you.
Player drops from the game
A screenshot is taken of the diplomacy screen if player doesn't return they are added to list of players who need to report to you.
You retire from game
Reports are made to all other players in the game.
The Game reaches the end
Reports are made to those with higher points than you. Those with lower points are added to the list of people who need to report to you.

If this is possible, it would make life so much easier for us ladder players:)
Thanks in advance for any help offered.

Earl Harewood
Not obvious to people without a lot of modding experience.
I guess this is something for the wishlist then.
Obviously, it will be a SDK mod so it will trigger the *MOD* tag.
Pretty sure this could be done in python. If it would trigger the *MOD* tag or not I have no idea, I don't play online. For that reason I'm not interested in making this mod. I doubt anyone else is unless they're a ladder player themself.
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