Jarek Noschese
Prince Gordon
Found the grit to return to Alpha Centauri after getting increasingly bored with other crap. Still needed several tries to generate the "ideal" map but I finally did it with the result you see here.
Episode 1
Episode 2
Episode 3
Episode 4
Episode 5
Episode 6
Episode 7
Episode 8
Episode 9
Final Result
As always, I refined, reworked and reexamined my old strategies and adopted new ones where and when necessary.
What I (nigh) perfected...
1. All default rules (except for Iron Man)
2. No super quick win attempt (Patience, restraint, discipline, self-control, study, respect for reality and practicing techniques are key.)
3. Use Tiny, Standard or Huge map size! (This is a big one. I don't count official wins on strange map sizes. Play them if you'd like, but optimizing your gameplay overall is nigh synonyms with optimizing it in the way the developers intended.)
3. Learn of which choices to make ASAP. (At higher levels, you can't just be an immediate and permanent Police State as the Human Hive the way you could on Citizen and Specialist. You must actually weigh the dis/advantages of every selection you'd pick and adapt to the wildlife's and other nations' responses. One minor mistake can greatly set you back [and I made plenty, but nothing too costly], and one major mistake can turn the odds utterly against you.)
4. Know when to declare war and make peace, and how to wage war. (As I said, you can no longer blast the crap out of everyone indiscriminately. Nor can you just go it with weak gear before the AI can strengthen theirs [the human's Tech Paradigm is just too high]. You literally must wait and watch for what does/n't happen before striking. Know where and when your best chance will [generally] come.)
5. Maintain your Integrity for as long as possible. (Starting at Specialist Level, all factions have Blood Truces with each other by default. This means you also can't cheaply declare war the way you can with Citizen. You must instead itch your closest and weakest enemy factions to declare war on you to avoid the worst diplomatic fallout. Starting on Talent, this becomes progressively easier as you eliminate each opposing faction, one by one, since the other nations trust stronger human-led empires less. Having to share more living room as the techs progress makes this easier still.)
6. Don't underestimate the Free Market economy. (Planet's wildlife will occasionally harass and bully you regardless. The only thing you can do is prepare for when and where it strikes. You'll also need the extra Energy to boost your research.)
7. Use satellites! (Later on, it becomes incredibly difficult to grow or protect your empire with Planet's resources alone.)
What I could've done better: the only big thing I could've improved on was using Supply Crawlers, but eh. What ya gonna do?
As for sending me your finished games, the usual rules (also) apply.
1. NO Scenario Editor! NO excuses, NO exceptions!
2. No Faction Editor/Firaxians Faction. Use the original factions, please!
3. No Progenitors if you can help it (they'll likely make it too easy regardless).
4. Legal game copies ONLY!
5. High score strategies MUST use Iron Man (otherwise, I can't accept them).
6. No changing the "rules" files for your game either. Strange things could happen.
7. (Optional) One City Challenge [if you can find a {legitimate} way of doing it]
Also, here's my finished save file as the final proof I accomplished a legitimate score.
Episode 1
Episode 2
Episode 3
Episode 4
Episode 5
Episode 6
Episode 7
Episode 8
Episode 9
Final Result
As always, I refined, reworked and reexamined my old strategies and adopted new ones where and when necessary.
What I (nigh) perfected...
1. All default rules (except for Iron Man)
2. No super quick win attempt (Patience, restraint, discipline, self-control, study, respect for reality and practicing techniques are key.)
3. Use Tiny, Standard or Huge map size! (This is a big one. I don't count official wins on strange map sizes. Play them if you'd like, but optimizing your gameplay overall is nigh synonyms with optimizing it in the way the developers intended.)
3. Learn of which choices to make ASAP. (At higher levels, you can't just be an immediate and permanent Police State as the Human Hive the way you could on Citizen and Specialist. You must actually weigh the dis/advantages of every selection you'd pick and adapt to the wildlife's and other nations' responses. One minor mistake can greatly set you back [and I made plenty, but nothing too costly], and one major mistake can turn the odds utterly against you.)
4. Know when to declare war and make peace, and how to wage war. (As I said, you can no longer blast the crap out of everyone indiscriminately. Nor can you just go it with weak gear before the AI can strengthen theirs [the human's Tech Paradigm is just too high]. You literally must wait and watch for what does/n't happen before striking. Know where and when your best chance will [generally] come.)
5. Maintain your Integrity for as long as possible. (Starting at Specialist Level, all factions have Blood Truces with each other by default. This means you also can't cheaply declare war the way you can with Citizen. You must instead itch your closest and weakest enemy factions to declare war on you to avoid the worst diplomatic fallout. Starting on Talent, this becomes progressively easier as you eliminate each opposing faction, one by one, since the other nations trust stronger human-led empires less. Having to share more living room as the techs progress makes this easier still.)
6. Don't underestimate the Free Market economy. (Planet's wildlife will occasionally harass and bully you regardless. The only thing you can do is prepare for when and where it strikes. You'll also need the extra Energy to boost your research.)
7. Use satellites! (Later on, it becomes incredibly difficult to grow or protect your empire with Planet's resources alone.)
What I could've done better: the only big thing I could've improved on was using Supply Crawlers, but eh. What ya gonna do?
As for sending me your finished games, the usual rules (also) apply.
1. NO Scenario Editor! NO excuses, NO exceptions!
2. No Faction Editor/Firaxians Faction. Use the original factions, please!
3. No Progenitors if you can help it (they'll likely make it too easy regardless).
4. Legal game copies ONLY!
5. High score strategies MUST use Iron Man (otherwise, I can't accept them).
6. No changing the "rules" files for your game either. Strange things could happen.
7. (Optional) One City Challenge [if you can find a {legitimate} way of doing it]
Also, here's my finished save file as the final proof I accomplished a legitimate score.
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