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Nov 30, 2011
south east asian jungle
After playing ciV for some time now, i found it too simple and gamey... There are no polution and no corruption.
The only barrier to overgrowth is only the happiness system, which i don't find enough restricting.
After -10, there's simply no more penalty (i've never checked more than -25 though).
So, I think we should have more restriction, like a REVOLUTION, its simply some of your army and farthest cities from the capital revolt from you!
The percentual of the revolt army and the chance of it happens should be calculated from your negative happiness.
Btw, sorry for my bad english.
But there *is* a penality after -20:
"Revolting" units spam in your empire, attacking and pillaging everything in range.

Regarding the revolution itself: I always *hated* this concept in any Civ4-Mod using it. Especially turncoat units are a pain, as you usually leveled them up with big effort. Loosing them as an result of pure randomness is frustrating. (I don't mean the reason for their desertion; the happieness is under your controle. I mean the random picking of *which* unit will desert.)
Really? It didn't happen in my last game... I usually play deity on ciV (in comparison to prince or king on older series), but last time i think i want to play a more relaxing game. So i start an immortal earth, small, standart game with askia.
Finally control eurasiafrica at 1500ad and alex control america. By 1700 i'm in modern era and -5 happiness, i start sending troops to conquer alex. When my troops arrived, alex enter industrial, so even with combat penalty my troops mow his land flat, and by the time to get the capital, my happiness was -25. I conquer in about 3 turns later.
Do you think i don't spent enough time to received the consequences?
it doesn't happen immediatly after you reach -20 but after 3-4 turns you will receive notification of some revolting units in your teritory. They look like barbarians.
If you want to see real negative happiness, try Mongol Scenario on Deity (and don't raze), I finished it some time ago with like -125 or -150.
But you are right, the penalty for extreme unhappiness is probably not big enough.
... the penalty for extreme unhappiness is probably not big enough.

Well... yes and no.

On one hand, if you adopted the honor tree, the barbarian-spam might even be positive: If you have troopes nearby to defeat them, you will gain lots of culture and gold for killing them.

On the other hand, even the -10 penality is a big one, if you don't manage to lower it over a long period of time.
It will cripple your empire tremendously by halfing all your production. I think, this is not to be underestimated.
Well, i can't say the penalty after -10 is nothing to consider. Its only by the time you got it beyond -10 your empire probably big enough to crush everyone else even with the penalty, so you could only laugh at it...
Its not fair considering happiness is the only restricting value!
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