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Own continent conquered on a huge map early industrial age - how to proceed with other continent

To be completely honest, I usually do not bother with WLTKD at size 20, unless I accidentally realize there are only 2-3 shields missing to get a unit out one turn faster. But its nice to have it at size 12.
"As for chopping trees: Am I correct you refer to the forests all around my Capital?"
I was talking about the plains tiles.

I plant trees on otherwise better tiles, to get to an even pop size in a metro, it is very rare for me.

RR do not add shields on forest, it takes more worker turns to rail over trees. In addition you get the shields for the chop. Sometimes players will plant trees for defense, but I prefer to not have trees for that as it gives a bonus to the defense of the attackers, when I attack them. It does of course slow them down. Which method is better, depends on the situation. Fast movers may need to be halted, slow movers not so much. If you are able to allow the fast movers to attack, then no trees.
Another thing to remember is WLTKD.
Usually it is not worth the effort. If you already have police stations, then the effect will be small except for a handful of cities whose corruption is near 60%.
You need to have at least size 6 in your city. It must be inherently growing, i.e. there must be a food surplus of at least one food.
Zero should suffice. Starvation is not valid, but stagnation is.
Usually it is not worth the effort. If you already have police stations, then the effect will be small except for a handful of cities whose corruption is near 60%.

Zero should suffice. Starvation is not valid, but stagnation is.
EDIT: Zero is true. I had 1 fpt in mind. What do you mean with stagnation? Its also mentioned in the war academy, but when I look at my few size 12 cities in the mid corrupted ring now where all citizens are happy, they got a full food box, no hospital but at least one fpt. All of those got WLTKD.

"As for chopping trees: Am I correct you refer to the forests all around my Capital?"
I was talking about the plains tiles.

I plant trees on otherwise better tiles, to get to an even pop size in a metro, it is very rare for me.

RR do not add shields on forest, it takes more worker turns to rail over trees. In addition you get the shields for the chop. Sometimes players will plant trees for defense, but I prefer to not have trees for that as it gives a bonus to the defense of the attackers, when I attack them. It does of course slow them down. Which method is better, depends on the situation. Fast movers may need to be halted, slow movers not so much. If you are able to allow the fast movers to attack, then no trees.
Ah those next to Niniveh. Yeah, those got chopped some turns later and were there since the start. There was 0 risk of attackers getting there though:


This is from 1000 AD and by chance we also found the turn I started to build on Harbor in Zariqum. We have a pretty narrow spot of land near Eridu, where I did station there some trebuchets. If I remember correctly, we had a war fighting there early middle ages. Might have been both Rome as well as Korea walking around that water. I blocked the spot south next to cow with a Musketman and a Crusader.

Roading those existing forests did cost me 6 turns, while chopping, mining and then roading it costs me 4 + 6 + 3 = 13 turns and I get only 10 shields of it once, until I can build railroads.
As for defence, planting a forest after I build a barricade happens once every two years. I think the last time was a defensive spot with Swiss Mercenary vs Cavalry where I had my trebuchets sitting.
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This article is wrong on several assumed facts and therefore also on the conclusions derived from it.
If you can get it at size 12 it totally is. You have a full age left until you get police stations.
The question is how to get it. Increasing luxrate to 100% is no smart choice. There are other way to go about it, but they themselves have other severe costs attached to them. That is not to say that achieving WLTKD is never worth it. It is just quite unlikely. Usually it is best policy to barely keep your citizens from rioting. Keep your costs down.
This article is wrong on several assumed facts and therefore also on the conclusions derived from it.
Thank god. I just thought I was blind all these years.

This article is wrong on several assumed facts and therefore also on the conclusions derived from it.

The question is how to get it. Increasing luxrate to 100% is no smart choice. There are other way to go about it, but they themselves have other severe costs attached to them. That is not to say that achieving WLTKD is never worth it. It is just quite unlikely. Usually it is best policy to barely keep your citizens from rioting. Keep your costs down.

Former analysis yields I have to retract my previous statment. Getting 6 Lux before Navigation is not likely. Even getting 5 can be a problem and there are not many cheap choices there. So WLTKD in size 12 cities under a Republic in the middle ages is not feasible, unless you play on pangae.
Which means we got 4 uncorrupted shields out of WLTKD or 17% more compared to no WLTKD.
Prior to railroads this would be a difference of about 2 shields. Railroads and mobilization increase the number up to 4 in this instance.
At Size 20 a city will riot with a temple and even 8 Lux.
No. With marketplace 8 luxuries give 20 happy faces. So there will be no riots without additional sources of unhappyness like war waeriness.
Prior to railroads this would be a difference of about 2 shields. Railroads and mobilization increase the number up to 4 in this instance.

No. With marketplace 8 luxuries give 20 happy faces. So there will be no riots without additional sources of unhappyness like war waeriness.
True. Just checked, without anything at size 20 and 8 Lux there are 11 happy citizens. I can throw my whole analysis away, there must have been some inherent unhappyness in that city. Gotta make a new one. I delete my posts so noone gets confused apart from myself.
I picked a save 3 turns before I started war with the other continent. So everyone I was ever at war with is no more, and the last war is more than 20 turns over.

(I don't include entertainers or scientists here)

WLTKD requirements at 0% lux slider, size 12 city, Monarch level, Republic, Marketplaces+Temples in place:

5 Lux + Bachs + Sistines + Cathedral + Colosseum = WLTKD (insane costs, you can sell the temple)
6 Lux + Sistines + Cathedral + Colosseum = WLTKD (insane costs, keep the temple)
6 Lux + Bachs + Sistines + Cathedral = WLTKD (keep the temple)
7 Lux + Sistines + Cathedral = WLTKD (you can sell the temple)
7 Lux + Bach + Colloseum = WLTKD (keep the temple)
7 Lux + Bach + Cathedral = WLTKD (you can sell the temple)
8 Lux + Bach = WLTKD (you can sell the temple)
8 Lux + Temple = WLTKD (you dont need anything else)

We see there are not many cheap options here. 8 Lux are very nice, because you could sell all your cathedrals. All your size 6-12 cities will be at WLTKD (with enough food, a marketplace, and a temple or Bach's respectively). Your size 20 cities will not be rioting. But all in all those requirements are very disappointing.
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For WLTKD at size 16(or size 16+n with n specialists) at emperor and above you will require 15+15 good faces. 20 come from luxuries. That leaves 10 from buildings. Bach gives 2, cathedrals give up to 6, so that leaves 2 from either colloseum or temple + cure for cancer.

1550 AD

The war is progressing well, but we run into our first problem:

Spoiler Image Mountains :


We can see all the Iroquois Riflemen and Muskets standing on Mountains. We have conquered both western and eastern territory and would like to connect both.
We think about conquering Iroquoi's City Gayagahe in the middle, but that will only lead them to do lot of pillaging. And fighting a 12 Defense Rifleman can lead to losses (and also some war unhappyness).
So instead we decide on building a blockade and roll up the Byzantinians next turn from the south instead. They also have a large part of their army in Iroquois territory (heading towards the english) so we don't expect any notable resistance. Having only spearmen...

Spoiler Image blockade :


We also extended our blockade to the west. We want both Iroquois and Byzantine's to march south into Aztec territory.

1575 AD

Last round we finished off the Byzantines. They have an enclave at the very south of the continent. We have a modern armor there, and the English got 2 Cav's.
Our ROP with England tells us that it's turn 12 of our operation. We got 9 turns on the ROP with them left.

We wipe out the last Incan enclave south of England. We also sieged the Iroquoi's Gayagahe now, as both theirs and the Byzantine's forces have now marched south, thanks to our blockade.

We move our blockade south and lighten our defensive lines.

Spoiler Blockade 1575 AD :


Last turn we landed troops on the Iroquois enclaves south of Aztec territory. Although we signed a ROP with Aztec we could not bring forces in by land, Azteq blocked the way with worker and a Med.
Iroquois has also only one city left now.

As Iroquois and Byzantine will be eliminated next turn, we already started railroading Aztec territory last turn and even put 5 modern armors each in front of most of their cities. If all goes well, we will also wipe out the Aztecs next turn. Depends on whether their Cav is still blocking the road to the very south.
We got 20 new Modern Armors each turn now and a total of 260.

End of turn 1575 AD we notice Byzantines having two more cities and not one, since the "last" one does not have the "Capital" symbol. We found it on a small island north of Russian territory. We hurry a Transport in the nearby town.

1580 AD

We found a spot over the mountains to the south and had enough workers to place our modern armors in front of every Azteq City.
We declare war, break a ROP the first time this game, and wipe the Aztecs out immediately the same turn. We lose one Modern Armor.

Remaining modern Armors start placing them in English territory. We land 4 Cav and 2 Infantry on the very last Byzantine enclave.

1590 AD

Byzantine is no more.
We have to wait another turn until we declare war on England, because we cant reach the last English city this turn. And we don't want to handle any more counter attacks and spend time with that. Not that there was any threat.

1595 AD

We declare war on England. Towards December 1595 our troops lay a quick siege to London and capture it. The wars went on 16 turns and we've won the game.
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