I'm getting reasonably close to issuing an update to this mod.
Having tested Scipio after reading about him in Anno Domini thread i have to say an update is much required as currently he's a bit ... super-uber-mega-giga-overpowered
I like the idea thought and he's kind of fun (even in his current state but trully he makes Deity feel like Prince)
Now for the specifics you are planning
nerf of nearly all the hard yield values for the abilities into percentages. So in the early game some of these abilities won't seem to have much effect. (20% of 0, for example, is still 0).
Good call. One of my first thought was that flat and % yields shouldn't be grouped. Too much of an early and late game benefit. No strategic choice.
Experience gained by Proconsuls for a single governorship have been reduced
Careful here. If you get the proconsul abilities well balanced, there won't be much requirement to slow them down much. After the first 2-3 levels they tend to slow down anyway (i guess they require the same amount of XP as regular units). You probably still want them to reach an L3 ability before the game ends. I guess it depends on governorship length. How long does one governorship last anyway?
for the 'consolation-prize' promotions you could pick, these abilities now only give +1 Food, or +1 Hammer in a city instead of the +3, +5, etc., I was using.
Not sure i like this change. Those were the promotions you could choose. If they become crappy (sort of) then you'll be totally reliant on RNGesus and it's not a good thing.
Proconsuls with the 'Pius' promotion will only add +1 Faith per turn.
Well done. It's already nice to get the equivalent of the Celts UA (more or less) in addition to your own UA
Your 1st Proconsul will no longer be guaranteed to be good, nor better than any other you would get.
Again don't like this much. Adding more randomness won't make the proconsuls better balanced.
The 1st free Proconsul on founding your capital will likely be reworked. I have not decided yet what I am going to do there.
You could consider giving them when the player reaches some key tech like Babylon's free scientist. Removing free proconsul will make Pious kind of useless thought.
The civil spawning system will now require you have more than 4 cities for every Proconsul you currently have, however acquired, or else it will not spawn a 'peacefully-gained' Proconsul.
So you get one proconsul with 5 cities, 2 for 9 ... Seems like war will be the only way to get more than one then as self founding more than 8 cities is almost impossible in most cases.
You will be able to construct Citadels, but this will be the only way you will be able to get rid of a Proconsul.
Not bad, but this won't free a slot for a new 'peacefully-gained' Proconsul unless you got none from wars i guess. Well, if you go to war you'll probably have enough of them anyway.
Scipio retains use of the Legion. Unless I can find an interesting unit animation for those done already for use with Rome. Such a unit would take the place of the Legion and have the same functionality.
Why reinvent the wheel. The Legion isn't bad.
The total number of good, bad, indifferent abilities a single proconsul can have has been scaled down.
Again a good change but i think bad promotions (mostly bad general) shouldn't take a slot, maybe even free one for a civil slot.
Some additional thoughts :
- Get rid of the Savant trait. It's just silly when you get one and totally random.
- Administrator also seems way too good (even if it becomes only % it's still everything), especially with the Mansion and Residence buildings. Maybe administrator could have only 1 level and require another civil perk at L3
- Good generals are too good. I would suggest 5% per level rather than 10. An L3 general would already be as good as a Chinese general and your proconsuls can have other uses.
If i was designing this civ, i would probably make more of the civil governor promotions be player selectable (i'll call those civil skills) with a choice between flat yield (for early boost) and % (for more late game power) but never both (as you decided for the next update). Civil perks could be gained randomly and be small, more creative bonuses (you have a nice selection already)
Proconsuls would randomly be good/neutral/bad generals (but not dreadfully bad as those will just sit in a city or be turned to citadels). Good generals won't receive a good civil perk (but they can choose a civil skill like any proconsul) but some of them could get a bad one and then receive a good military perk. Neutral generals would gain 1 good civil perk (or randomly a perk or free civil skill). Bad generals would get an additional good civil perk (but they would give -10% strength, basically only boosting unit power by a mere 5%, or even totally ignore GG boost).
This way you only have 1 good trait. If you have 2 good traits you have a bad one to compensate. Less randomness, more choices, that's the way i like a strategy game.