SETI program bug ?


Mar 2, 2007
Hello guys,

After thousands games of Civ1, today for the first time, i've discovered that the game fonction of the wonder SETI is ... nothing !!!
The manual says that SETI increase the number of light bulbs produced by the city, after adjustments of libraries and universities, by 50%.
When i put trade to 100% science, while looking the number of bulbs produced by the city (F1) and then looking the total number of bulbs produced (with libs and universities) (F5), i notice the number F5 = number F1 x 2 (lib+univ) instead of F1 x 2 x 1,5 (SETI).
I've verified it on many old saved games on v474.04 and v474.05. Do you do the same noticing (eventually on other releases) ?

I had never noticed it, because this wonder is usualy available at the end of the game, when the game is already over ...

So i ask the same question that for the Copernicus bug : could somebody do a patch or fix, to make this wonder act normally ?
This fix could be included in Darkpanda Toolbox ...

Thanx a lot by advance

If SETI didn't not work, it would be a common knowledge among players. It works. SETI gives you +50% science points for every city (rounded down, I think). Of course only if city screen of this city was not shown during city loop (in this case the city adds nothing to research due to a bug). This +50% effect is not shown on city screen nor in number of bulbs for cities on F5 screen. On F5 screen, research target is recalculated instead (2/3 of normal target). Also there is an another bulb bonus in the game that works in a very similar manner to SETI: if you play on Chieftain and you are researching some tech which was discovered by some other civ before, you get +100% science points. This effect is not shown anywhere. At least with SETI you get corrected number of turns for a new discovery on F5 screen.
This is very interesting, will investigate in OpenCiv1 code. At least this should be a partial bug.
The old Civilization didn't have a forum like this back in the day, so if anyone noticed this I doubt it would have been reported as a serious bug.

Also, have to start that bug list and discussion for OpenCiv1...
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My statements are from the code (but also from my experience of playing the game). It is very easy to notice that number of turns for discovery are reduced roughly to 2/3 with SETI. Humungus' confusion is from the fact that SETI bonus is not shown with number of bulbs graphically on the city screen or on Trade Advisor screen. But this fact is well known.
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My statements are from the code (but also from my experience of playing the game). It is very easy to notice that number of turns for discovery are reduced roughly to 2/3 with SETI. Humungus' confusion is from the fact that SETI bonus is not shown with number of bulbs graphically on the city screen or on Trade Advisor screen. But this fact is well known.
Nevertheless, it is a bug, and should be fixed (at least in OpenCiv1) ;)
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Hello Tupi, hello Rahorvat,
Thank you for the nicety about the line "number or turns before discorvery" in the trade advisor screen (F5). I have tested it before and after SETI.
Personally, i can't see the usefulness of this information, because the number of turn correspond to the total number of bulbs necessary to do the whole ressearch. And it never change between 2 discoveries.
I don't know how to determine the number of turns, or bulbs, before completing a research. Tell me if there is an easy method to monitor the progression of the research !

I agree with Rahorvat, it seems to be a bug, that the number of bulb of each city don't take into acount SETI bonus, because it takes care of Copernicus and Isaac Newton Collège !
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