SGOTM3 Rome - Team akots

You might be better than you think. I just noticed, teams Handy and Sesn also lost (not much better than we are) and these teams have lots of good SG players who play Sid and manage to win somehow. Don't really know how they do that, probably strategy...

IMvvvHO, strategy is applicable for either very tough game or very inexperienced/weak players (certainly, strength and experience of players compared to the difficulty/setup of the game). Normally, no strategy is needed, this things are somewhat evident. :)

I guess I'll stop playing SGOTM with mad-bax assigned teams in the future. Though I might consider forming a team to appear at his eyes with an already formed team for the next SGOTM. It is just so much hassle... And IIRC, staff team was not assigned any "casual" members. They should have won, after all. :lol:
I am quite surprised that you haven't already formed a fixed team akots to be honest. I appreciate that you have not opted to till now because it gives me an elite player to team with less experienced players, and players whose standard I am not sure of, but you are under no obligation of course, and I look forward to seeing who you choose to play with. With a team I form it is pot luck because most of the time I have very little to go on in terms of ability, style, personality and particularly turnaround time.
Yep, it was a great fun to play with new people. I really enjoyed that. And that was one of the reasons I did not affiliate myself with any particular team. But looks like I've had enough for the time being. :)
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