Single Unit Graphics

Reduced Unit Graphics v9beta:

Hopelites have no model.
Oops! The R.E.D. fix is applied even if you don't have R.E.D. Modpack active. Thanks for the feedback.

EDIT: Fixed version uploaded to Steam.
Single Unit Graphics v10 has been posted, which fixes the issue with gigantic late-era trade units, and makes a few other tweaks.

I'm also posting an update to the Human Settlers modmod, and some new experimental betas for Simple Unit Icon Raiser/Lowerer, which now have a combined code base for vanilla and expansions, and also include whoward69's "UI - Improved City Banners" (which is similar to "City Banners Plus" and the city banners from "Enhanced UI").
Couldn't remember how this excellent feature was actually improving general gameplay conditions and overall UI feel.

I'd have a quick and really simple question though...

-- I "install" the external Raiser (Lowerer was mostly hiding the middle section of the Units - didn't really liked that!) component manually by copying/pasting the UnitFlagManager.lua straight into the necessary folder root (assets/DLC/Expansion2/UI/InGame/..) replacing the default file (kept as backup) **without** its CityBanner addon. Don't feel it might be that useful for me and may somehow interfere with EUI own banner principles.

-- As a result, the garrisonned Units-Flag aren't sticking into the normal "Circle" location... they hover outside the city while their shapes are altered to the "shield" version.

-- Soooo, is there an easy editing (of the LUA file by REM'ming specific lines or functions) that would remove this "flaw" from the Garrison Units - only??

If it's working, the Lowerer will actually put the flags beneath the units. It sounds like when you tested the Lowerer, it didn't actually do anything.

As for EUI compatibility, they will override, but won't interfere with anything. Plus, bc1's changes and whoward69's changes are fairly similar (both are based on the ideas from hambil's City Banner Plus).

I'll see what I can do, but it's more than just a rem statement.
The Lowerer *did* an adjustment... but the Flag seemed to not go "far enough". It remained nearly in the mid-section area of the Unit rather than completely down below while skimming the map hex tiles (as i believe it should, somehow). These weren't "beneath" the Units... which i think you mean to say -- behind (almost like into an extra layer) the rendered Models, right?

Raiser looks better, IMHO.

There's also the fact that when we move around the UI, a "sticking" Zoom adapts the relative locations of items by freezing the POV to the cursor area.
I know it is shameful request, but would it be a problem for you to add Triggers so modded units will be single as well?
Not shameful at all. I can [try to] craft a set of triggers that change NumMembers to 1, discard any member after the first, and rescale by making some kind of assumption based on either the MoveRate or using some kind of multiplier based on the delta between the two NumMembers values (though with the latter method it would be difficult to accommodate multi-member units). Perhaps I could use the former method when the art define is multi-member, and otherwise use the latter...

Can you tell me which mods you had in mind, specifically? [I assume it's for some of your new civs...]
Yes, it is mostly for my civs (though I am quite sure Tuscany UU was also running several horsemen).

Usually, when I am defining new Unit_Art_Info I am referring to existing ones using "WHERE" and it works in this case perfectly.

Unfortunately, some of my units have no unique model at all, I am copying SQL from Whoward's UnitsArtDefines, changing unique tags and strategic view model. Since I am clearly declaring (for example) 10 NumMembers, it is not affected by your mod (which probably fires before).

Spoiler :
INSERT INTO ArtDefine_UnitInfos(Type, DamageStates, Formation)
  VALUES ('ART_DEF_UNIT_U_ROM_LS_SZEKELY', 1, 'DefaultCavalry');
INSERT INTO ArtDefine_UnitInfoMemberInfos(UnitInfoType, UnitMemberInfoType, NumMembers)
INSERT INTO ArtDefine_UnitMemberInfos(Type, Scale, Model, MaterialTypeTag, MaterialTypeSoundOverrideTag)
  VALUES ('ART_DEF_UNIT_MEMBER_U_ROM_LS_SZEKELY', 0.119999997317791, 'U_Huns_HorseArcher.fxsxml', 'CLOTH', 'FLESH');
INSERT INTO ArtDefine_UnitMemberCombats(UnitMemberType, EnableActions, ShortMoveRadius, ShortMoveRate, TurnRateMin, TurnRateMax, TurnFacingRateMin, TurnFacingRateMax, TargetHeight, HasShortRangedAttack, HasLongRangedAttack, HasStationaryMelee, HasRefaceAfterCombat, ReformBeforeCombat, OnlyTurnInMovementActions)
  VALUES ('ART_DEF_UNIT_MEMBER_U_ROM_LS_SZEKELY', 'Idle Attack RunCharge AttackCity Bombard Death BombardDefend Run Fortify CombatReady Walk', 24.0, 0.349999994039536, 0.5, 0.75, 15.0, 20.0, 12.0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1);
INSERT INTO ArtDefine_UnitMemberCombatWeapons(UnitMemberType, "Index", SubIndex, WeaponTypeTag, WeaponTypeSoundOverrideTag)
INSERT INTO ArtDefine_UnitMemberCombatWeapons(UnitMemberType, "Index", SubIndex, VisKillStrengthMin, VisKillStrengthMax, WeaponTypeTag)
INSERT INTO ArtDefine_StrategicView(StrategicViewType, TileType, Asset)

I hope that with trigger your changes will take place after those units are defined and will have NumMembers reduced properly.

If you want to test it:
Romanian Unit.
I should add the triggers anyway, but if you're not using a new model, then there's no reason to add a new art define. Simply set your new unit to use the existing art define and all would be well. Even if you wanted to, say, change the formation and/or the NumMembers, you could still make a new art define but use the existing member art define (though in that case you'd definitely get rescaling but potentially not single member when using this mod).
I was asked for Strategic View support, icon is linked to Art Define (at least I believe so).

You are right that I didn't have to do new member art define, i found it easier to quick replace than cut the lines. I am gonna fix it one day (unneeded data is bad data).
A donkey founds a city?:lol:
Hey, I like it. I find it makes it very clear which is the settler, like in Civ1 when you'd found a city with a covered wagon. However, from the first post:
For those that don't like quadruped settlers, I've attached the "Human Settlers" modmod... (and put it up on Steam...). If you have R.E.D. Modpack activated, there will be additional ethnic variation of settlers.
You're welcome. I haven't touched it in a long time (haven't needed to), but it's definitely the way I prefer to play the game. I'm not sure why you'd need Show Move-To if you've got Unit Path Viewer, and I imagine that would cause conflicts if you tried to use them both at the same time. I've personally used both (individually) in the past successfully with SUG. I'm only pretty sure I've tried One-Color Civs with SUG before, but I can't imagine how a conflict could possibly arise there.

In any event, "cannot seem to make it work" isn't very helpful as a bug report. Does it crash? Do you just not get single units? And, to be clear, this is with no other mod except SUG and exactly one of the 3 mods listed above?
Yeah sorry about that, I realized a bit later that I should have been more precise;

Yes, the only reason I tried "Show Move-To" is because "Unit Path Viewer" was not working with "Single Unit Graphics". I only put both in the thread as information, in case you'd see a pattern between them. I only need "Unit Path Viewer" really.

What happens exactly is that as soon as I enable either of the 3, I don't see the single units anymore.

Yes I also have other mods as well, but as far as I can tell they don't seem to be affecting anything

I have enabled:

  • Extended Resource Display (v. 4)
  • Global Relations (v. 7)
  • Music Changer (v. 2)
  • Simple Unit Icon Raiser (v. 1)
  • Single Unit Graphics (v. 10)

So for example, if I enable "Unit Path Viewer" with the rest, I don't see the Single Units anymore. But if not, everything displays properly.

I tried disabling everything and only enabling SUG, SUIR and UPV, but I still have the same issue. Same thing with only SUG, SUIR and O-CC. (I also tried only SUG and UPV, no go).

Nope, the game doesn't crash.

I am running Civ 5 Vanilla,

Let me know if I can do anything else to help you.
Hi Nutty
Great mod!
I am changing all the unit sizes in the lua file. I'm able to change most of them. The Spanish Tercio wasn't changing size, but with some trial and error coding, I got him to grow.

Unfortunately, I can't change the size of the following civilians:
- missionary
- inquisitor
- great merchant of Venice

ANy idea how I get this to work?

lua code:

UPDATE ArtDefine_UnitMemberInfos SET Scale = 0.38 WHERE Type IN (SELECT UnitMemberInfoType FROM ArtDefine_UnitInfoMemberInfos WHERE UnitInfoType IN
DELETE FROM ArtDefine_UnitInfoMemberInfos WHERE UnitInfoType = 'ART_DEF_UNIT_INQUISITOR';
UPDATE ArtDefine_UnitMemberInfos SET Scale = 0.38 WHERE Type IN (SELECT UnitMemberInfoType FROM ArtDefine_UnitInfoMemberInfos WHERE UnitInfoType IN
DELETE FROM ArtDefine_UnitInfoMemberInfos WHERE UnitInfoType = 'ART_DEF_UNIT_MISSIONARY';

UPDATE ArtDefine_UnitMemberInfos SET Scale = 0.25 WHERE Type IN (SELECT UnitMemberInfoType FROM ArtDefine_UnitInfoMemberInfos WHERE UnitInfoType IN
(SELECT UnitArtInfo FROM Units WHERE Class = 'UNITCLASS_MERCHANT')); -- * camel
DELETE FROM ArtDefine_UnitInfoMemberInfos WHERE UnitInfoType = 'ART_DEF_UNIT_MERCHANT';
UPDATE ArtDefine_UnitMemberInfos SET Scale = 0.19 WHERE Type = 'ART_DEF_UNIT_MEMBER_GREATMERCHANT_LATE'; -- * vehicle
--UPDATE ArtDefine_UnitMemberInfos SET Scale = 0.25 WHERE Type = 'ART_DEF_UNIT_MEMBER_U_VENETIAN_MERCHANT'; -- * not mounted


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The snippet looks OK to me, but it's possible that you've introduced another issue in the file that is causing it to fail to complete successfully. Could you attach the entire file?

(By the way, that's SQL, not Lua.)

I have been playing with this mod and wanted to make a few small changes.. if anyone can help.
First the single unit mod got updated to v10, fixing some issues, but the "reduced unit graphics" is still v9. Im trying to replicate the fixes and realized he made the instructions in a different way on the 10th version, so Im a bit lost.
Second, is it possible to make the amount of units apply to all units added from civ mods? I see it was asked but no solution per say

thank you!

EDIT: after some suffering I was able to solve the first. Still looking for a way to apply the changes to units from added civs.
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I can't make this mod work. I subscribed through steam and enabled from the game main menu.What I'm doing wrong? I play the complete edition without any other mods.

EDIT: I fixed it, it's OK.
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