Correct. To give you context I’m trying to make a map where there is no “ocean”. Ocean tiles look like land but was trying to make where the real land it looks like it’s at a higher elevation kinda like a plateau.
Correct. To give you context I’m trying to make a map where there is no “ocean”. Ocean tiles look like land but was trying to make where the real land it looks like it’s at a higher elevation kinda like a plateau.
This is possible with Lua:Does anyone happen to know if it’s possible to make an event where if a civilization used a nuclear weapon their reputation would tank with all other civilizations, all civilizations would end alliances, all civilizations would declare war on civilization that used nuclear weapons?
From what I have read it sounds like it’s possible was just hoping someone had already made such a thing to save myself trial and error time.
onUseNuclearWeapon (since 0.18)
civ.scen.onUseNuclearWeapon(function (unit, tile) -> boolean) -> void
Registers a function that is called when a nuclear weapon is used. This is also called when a spy plants a nuclear device in a city. `unit` is the weapon or the spy unit, `tile` is the location of the attack. Return `false` to abort the attack, `true` to proceed.
reputation (get/set)
tribe.reputation[otherTribe] -> integer
Returns the tribe's reputation with `otherTribe`.
attitude (get/set)
tribe.attitude[otherTribe] -> integer
Returns the tribe's attitude to `otherTribe`.
betrayals (get/set)
tribe.betrayals -> integer
Returns the number of times the tribe has betrayed another tribe.
That's cause the scenario is not released yet, I'm still finishing it. Very close though. I'm not gonna release entire terrain files until the scenario is released however yeah sure I'll release the source cells for the coasts now early to the community as that's no biggy. Fortunately I even found an old copy of my guideline shorelines too which is good as I need that myself for the future Dune 2000 cliff work lol! I've stuck both in the picture below...Can I get a copy of your terrain files from your command & conquer or where to download it? That is exactly what I am looking for. I read through all the post but didn't see where I could download it.
Man, that was a great time back then. Can't even remember how we achieved all that atuff we did.
Does anyone happen to have any graphics for solar array and windmills?