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Spaceship won't launch


Feb 27, 2011
This is the first time i play this game, i am close to 2050 and i have finished the spaceship but i dont get any reaction (tried it twice going back in autosave) there are only 2 empires left (counting mine) and none has achieved any type of victory (UN hasn't been built, both noriginal capital, no utopia proyect, no 2050)

On a side note, I hate that automated workers automate themselves in your capital thereby blocking your capital from receiving spaceship parts.
There are six pieces (three boosters, one engine, one cockpit, one stasis chamber) you have to build and transport to the capital. When you get them there you need to click on the action choice to add the piece to the ship on the gantry. Since it is a civilian unit, it cannot enter the capital if there is a worker or GP there--or another space ship part. You need to take each one into the capital and add them in turn. Once you add the sixth piece, your ship will launch and the game will be over.
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