Star Wars: Return of the Mod

@kluthe: After a brief look, i found these things lacking:
1. You spelt weaponry wrong. Every time. Simple ctrl+h job tho.

2. You have two entries for the T-3B, both suggesting that it's artillery. Several problems with this: does anyone actually have a T-3B model? Which unit list are you using for this civilopedia? Secondly, it's T3-B, not T-3B. Thirdly, one is for the republic - which is far too technologically advanced for them to have used. Fourth, it's hardly armed to the teeth, it's only got two guns if i remember force commander correctly.

3. Hyper rails? Grav Rails? Where did this come from, the pentagenesis mod? Star wars uses hover cars, not magrails.

4. The descriptions of the alliance and the empire don't actually seem to talk about either the rebels of the imperials. Your history doesn't extend past the clone wars.

5. You seem to have chosen a rather random building list to create descriptions on. Where did this come from? Perhaps you should post your unit, building, government, tech and faction list so we can see what you've been working on.

Other than that good job, tho i would really suggest you take sum_aar_jam's released scenarios and create civilopedias for them rather than use these random unit and building lists you seem to be beset on.

Edit: OMG it's my old tech tree! Gosh haven't seen that one in yonks! Am i right in thinking you're working on the original release of the mod, perhaps dating back to the days of Pleb?

@sum_aar_jam: definitely not bad for your first attempt! Looking forward to bringing my imperial rule to the rest of the galaxy kehehehehe
it's the first release of GCW, but it was the same as pleb's clone wars civ pedia and is based off that
As promised, I have got along well with my own mod. It isn't done, but as you can see browsing the map page, I have three entirely unique tech threads with some variations between civs, parity between civs while leaving them all with their own individuality. All that is needed is a few more pictures for some of the units to make the game playable. Then I will write up some of the civilopedia entries. I make no attempt to disguise the fact that I have used the Clone Wars mod as a basis, and I freely admit that someone working animations and sounds would make the game more enjoyable, but such is what I can do. When I have the game playable, I will download it in its entirety. In the meantime, if anyone were to change their minds about contributions I would greatly appreciate the help.


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Hello Tallhwch! I see you're relatively new, so probably haven't had a chance to hear me . .. .. .. .. . and complain about everything you've done. So i'd just like to say don't take this the wrong way, it's a good bit of work. So don't get disheartened by my rather lengthy analysis. These are just my thoughts.

1. Galactic Map:
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Planets - too big? It's perfectly possible for the ai (or player) to fill a land mass without being able to reach the sea. I don't know if this is intentional, as this will improve land battles, but i feel landmasses about 3x3 (or as sum_aar_jam designed them) where every tile reaches the sea give a much better planetary experience. Of course, when it comes to civ 3, a map is just a map, and i presume the mod ould work just as well with a randomly generated map.

2. Civilizations.
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I don't know exactly how important the civ structure is, as they all seem to have the same city names (starting with lwhekk?!?). A common decision we have come to is to change hutts to black sun, but if someone makes a hutt leaderhead i'll hardly argue. Plus they did have hutt space so if you can make it work, why not. Another big problem tho - where are the rebels?!? It seems you have the republic transforming into the rebellion... which is kinda wrong (from a certain point of view...). I feel your mod is more configured around expanded universe than to the films - which would leave many people confused and unwilling to play what they don't quite understand.

3. Improvements and Wonders.
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Or perhaps i should just say wonders. You seem to have included about a hundred wonders at least, and only a couple of dozen improvements. I personally have always aimed for about 24 improvements, 18 wonders and 8 small wonders, all available gradually, so the player can start quickly and doesn't have to sift through too many random pointless buildings. Also, certain things don't add up, like grevious' training ground requires kaminoan cloners, and making clone troopers. Doesn't seem very confederacy to me?

4. Resources
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Let's be fair, it's hard to go wrong with a resource list. So long as there's always a path of units that don't require any resources (warrior - rifleman - guerilla - tow) then no problem. However, your unit list seems to relay on resources almost exclusively, and your map is a bit sparse of them. Plus you have alot of strategic/luxury resources, meaning they'll go off the city screen page. If you're looking for gameplay over graphical content and easy of use, then stick with this. Else i'd suggest you strim it down a bit.

5. Units
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Gosh. That's a lot of units.

6. Units (ctd.)
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No really, i mean alot of units. So many in fact it's hard for me to look through them all and tell you if i think they work. One thing i noticed was a bit section in the middle of Hutt [name] I/II/III. Which looks a little tacky if you ask me. But i can understand where you're coming from. And it's clear you've put alot of thought and research into this unit list. I may have to steal your vong unit tree for my mod. One thing that lets this list down is the 1/2/3 designation for upgrading units. I tried this style a while back, but it just made it impossible in game to work out how powerful that next unit in the stack of doom attacking you was, as they all shared the same graphics. I'd suggest cutting down on the units a bit, perhaps using 'mercenaries' and 'bounty hunters' as more generic infantry for the hutts, or something. Because you have loads of units, many of which will never be made into unit graphics.

7. Tech Tree
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This is something i feel will have a certain merit to it. Since you only gave us the biq, i can't be sure if you pulled this off or not. It seems certainly deep enough, with plenty of cool sounding technologies (bogan philosophy and droid sentience make my techs 'starfighter tech 1-5' look a little weak). I just want to make sure tho that all the tech trees for each individual race look the same, as it's not possible to create individual background pictures for each race.

8. Governments/General
Spoiler :
Good selection of governments, i assume there won't be much change (e.g. empire can't change to vong) and each civ is stuck with it's starting government. Perhaps a later installment will provide more variation? Minimum research time of a turn is too short, lets the poerful factions move too fast for the lesser factions to keep up with. 4 turns min i suggest, 6 turns optimal. BTW you need to finish the default units section, else all hell will break loose (perhaps) when you try and actually play. Also, i like how 'George' is the hardest difficulty.

Other than those... minor... criticisms, look forward to trying it out.
For anyone else paying attention, the natural resources should be nearly done shortly, and then I can distribute them generously across the map.


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Here are some graphics i've made based on Tallhwch's mod. Just thought i'd let everyone else check i'm doing the right thing before doing more?

Leaderheads are all static, except for the vader leaderhead. These leaderheads include both animated flc in the flic folder and pcx files in the leaderhead folder. The small versions of the race and tech icons are just downscaled versions of the large icons.

Any good?


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Very cool, you can do or redo any graphics I've got any time you want. The tech trees you requested, I should have what pediaicons I have finished in the next day or two and I can upload them then.
Let's try this again.


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Just wanted to bump this thread to inform all that I have just posted Sheepmonster and mine's Star Wars: Galactic Civil War Scenario in the scenario downloads....enjoy.
We are currently taking a break from scenario making at the time. The GCW Scenario is uploaded so that scenario will should keep everyone playing for a while at least.
Okay fellas....its been about a month and IMHO the greatest Star Wars Scenario has been released just over two months ago and I was wondering.
Where is everybody?!? Its like a ghost site around here with little or not activity (pertaining to Star Wars development anyways)
2. You have two entries for the T-3B, both suggesting that it's artillery. Several problems with this: does anyone actually have a T-3B model? Which unit list are you using for this civilopedia? Secondly, it's T3-B, not T-3B. Thirdly, one is for the republic - which is far too technologically advanced for them to have used. Fourth, it's hardly armed to the teeth, it's only got two guns if i remember force commander correctly. [...]
For example, the T3-B is here.
Hey guys;

It's been quiet here for too long. I was just wondering if anyone was about to help me finish off this mod?
I've got a version that should be releasable in a few days, so long as everything goes to plan, featuring:
- 4 factions (empire, rebels, republic, confederacy)
- each faction has their own strengths/weaknesses - e.g. each unit has a base stat, with a faction modifier (like +2 attack) bolted on
- open tech tree (3 open eras of technology, akin to the pentagenesis mod)
- improved interface graphics (you can read the blue font now)
- 3 distinct victory conditons (conquest, space race (sith factions only can build a death star, complete with graphics) and diplomatic (senate) victory)
- New custom units made by me (venator, eta-2, tie defender, battle droid and some others, basic model imported from Empire at War so they look fairly good)
- The latest released galactic civil war and clone war scenarios included, with some updates (balancing, unit graphics and an opening movie for clone wars)
- .bat mod installer, allowing easy transition between front-end Conquests and Star Wars mod, if one so chooses. Allows custom front-end music and better interface integration.

Looking for people to thoroughly test the mod, check there are no outstanding problems, maybe some new ideas or corrections, or new unit creators.

After about 5 or six years of work, and hundreds of forum posts, maybe we can actually release the mod we've all worked towards!
Sheepmonster i'd be glad to test your scenario. ive recently began playing civ3 again and i began getting interested in all the homemade mods and scenarios out there. when i saw that there was such an extensive starwars theme in the making i was overjoyed but it seemed to b dead :(. now that i know u have it completed i would love to test it for u and assist in any way i can.
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