Succession Game

Sorry for the delay, I've been kinda busy.:(

Aug. 1914--America announces the opning of the Panama Canal.[dance]
--Talk w/Turks-we refuse war w/Italy, give Sanitaion to continue alliance.
--Talk w/Americans-we refuse end alliance w/Turks, sign peace.
--Take Liege, Brussels, Paris.
--Talk w/Italians-sign peace.
Sept. 1914--Einstein is appointed Director of the Institute of Physics in Berlin.:p
--Set taxes @ 6.2.2
--Take Le Mans, Verdun, Brest, Belgrade.
--Talk w/Russia-sign CF, peace.
--Take Nantes, Limoyes, Bordeaux.
Oct. 1914--Take Nancy, Lyons.
--Sneak attack by Italy kills engineer->Turks declare they'll help us.
Nov. 1914--Rest troops.:sleep:
Dec. 1914--Take Toulouse.
--British take Brest.:cry::eek:
Jan. 1915--Talk w/British-sign CF, peace.
Feb. 1915--Americans sneak attack some ships->Turks declare war on Americans.
Mar. 1915--Take Amsterdam.
--British discover Communism.
Apr. 1915--Take Marseilles.
--Talk w/Americans-we refuse end alliance w/Turks, we refuse CF.

Notes--I refused CF w/Americans b/c Zurich is in the way in the middle there, and we can probably take it easily soon.
--I expect Britan and Russia to sneak attack soon, we can buy some Infantry to liberate Brest.
--Venice can probably be taken next turn, but I'd wait another turn, when the RR is done and we can take it and another city or two w/minimal losses.:evil:
Old n Slow: Thanks! :D

Archer: I guess that makes me next. I'll play within the next 24 hours.
I'll skip my go too. I thought I had the scenario, but it's WWII that I have on MPG.
I'll jump back in once I can get hold of the scenario.
Just now tried to open the sav -- mission fail. Then I noticed that the .sav file was 6K !!??? Starting the game outright generates a .sav file of 140+K or so. Maybe you have a GREAT zip system that the world would like to see?
I'm away for 10 days or so. I'll let you know when I'm back, and jump back into the game.
I decided to play six turns -- partly due to the "short time line" in the game text, partly because I think that this may go fast & I'd like everyone to have a chance to play.

May 1915 -- move stuff, do a little switching of builds (we have only four barrackes & 2 engs) Britain sneak attacks & scuttles a boat.

June 1915 -- Take Brest, sell their Uni ($$ & if the Brits retake, we at least got some money out of it) Try Venice with a BB, who dies. OK lesson learned -- CF works well. Cruiser takes out an Italian transport+; dies by an Italian sub later.

July 1915 -- Discover Aeronautics. Tough Choice -- We're set for a tech every 15 turns (want the $$) So we're looking at only a few techs this war; opt for Radio over Tactics (en route for MW & Robotics), Commy (not allowed to switch gov't; no dips, no spies), refrig (all that farmland, but too few mines).

But more importantly, we take Venice, Milan, Genoa, & Rome (which was empty -- how un AI-like!) Drop off an eng & inf on the English coast...

Aug 1915 -- Lose a few units in Amsterdam, return fire & take out three Brit boats. Found Treeville on the English coast. Discover we're at war with the US -- take Zurich accordingly.

Sept. 1915 -- two fully loaded transports land in Treeville -- They move out: Take Plymouth, London (Capital flees to Liverpool), Bristol, Leicester; smack the few partisans (extra British Inf) that spring up. Lose a sub near America.

Oct. 1915 -- Take Liverpool (no capital movement), Edinburgh & Naples. Leave a little movement left & significant $$ (again sold a few Unis -- wanted the money in case of AI re-takes.)

Note to the next player -- Russia has been quiet in the East -- the CF held the entire time for me.
That's something that always bothered me about this scenario-the partisians.
Re:The "short time line"-WWI lasted until 1919, so with our five or so ppl, 6 turns is probably good. We can then get through a round and a half(I think).
Re:Undefended Rome-That is strange, esp. for a cap...A couple of cities in the Brest/Verdun?le mans area were aslo undefended.
The Brits cities were defended by one or two units -- maybe it is still early for them. As for Partisans, the units that sprang up were regular British infantry, nothing special. Also I think that a few partisans will spring up for those civs that know communism (which I think Britain does).

Didn’t get any techs via takeovers, so the Russian knowledge of Tactics my have to come through a trade (if THAT is possible) since I didn’t see any opportunity for dips/spies to come into play.
The list I have is Sauron to play next; but his last post was March. Ramsses posted in April & could join in, but I think that we should let archer_007 & Jayne have the next opportunities to play -- Jayne should be back in a few days.

Archer_007 can you take a shot next?
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