Suggestion Regarding Barbs


Nov 8, 2003
I was thinking about the role of Barbs in Rhye's and Fall thought it might be best for Barbs to be more like they were in prior Civ games in that they did not take cities but only destroyed improvements and took gold.

Is it possible to code things such that the Barbs will only destroy buildings and take money?

Often when barbareans take big cities they actually take over and become assimilated to whatever culture they conquered. This happened in Rome, China, the Middle East, and Turkey. The acutal social discontinunity was often not all that great but the destruction was still great.

In this way Barbs could surely devistate Civs, you could even make them stronger, but not destroy Civs.
Unfortunately one of the two Core aspects of this mod is that civs fall, and they fall by having their cities 'go barbarian'. Removing this ability would destroy the greatest aspect of the mod.
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