Sumeria by Dumanios


Oct 24, 2008
I noticed that there weren't any Sumerian civs on CFC for Civ4, save for the one for vanilla. Not even StrategyOnly made one, which seems weird since he made civs for everyone else in BtS, and then a whole lot more. In a departure from my usual style, I made a Sumerian civ which is all out Sumeria, with units from my Babylonian civ helping to fill the blanks.

Spoiler :
Row 1: Settler, Worker, Scout, Explorer, Warrior
Row 2: Swordsman, UU, MAceman, Spearman, Pikeman
Row 3: Musketman, Rifleman, grenadier, Anti-Tank, Infantry
Row 4: SAM Infantry, Marine, Paratrooper, Archer, Longbowman
Row 5: Crossbowman, chariot, Horse Archer, Knight, Cuirassier
Row 6: Cavalry, Tank, Modern Armour, Gunship, Cannon
Row 7: Machine Gun, Artillery, Mobile Artillery, Caravel, Frigate

DL here.


Spoiler :
A great majority of these units were from Varietas Delactat.

Infantry, Anti-tank, SAM Infantry: Coffee Junkie's Modern Middle Eastern units

Musketman, Cuirassier: Bakuel's Renaissance Berbers

Mobile Artillery: SnafusSmith's Gvozdika

Gunship: SnafusSmith's Mi24 Choppers

Tank: SnafusSmith's Tank pack

Modern Armour: T55 from Earth 2010

Artillery: Road to War

Comments, Criticisms, Advice, Etc, accepted.
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