Superman disguised as an archer


Feb 21, 2002
In a van by the river
So, here I had an archer kill an elite spearman, on a hill, accross a river after a catapult damaged the sucker.

Ok, now it's my turn. I attack him (he's pretty badly damaged) with a veteran swordsman. My swordsman dies. Second swordsman attacks him, swordsman dies (archer now elite, and in superman status).

At this point, I have only 1 swordsman and a catapult on this square. I did kill the archer with the last swordsman, but.. had to make a run for it afterwards.


Had to gripe, sorry.
You managed to get a catapult to damage something...

Mine never hit a goddamn thing :cry:
:D :D :D

Great story and even better line from Tweedledum. Still laughing.

I sure hope Bill sees this.
When you cross a river in order to attack, what does it do?
The defender gets a bonus. I think 50% increase to defense stat, but I admit I do not have it memorized.

Edit: 25% bonus
Oh boy... have you heard about Superman disguised as an spearman VS Panzers?

I have :mad:
I had an emeny spearman defending a city I wanted to conquer. So I sent in two modern armor units - more than enough - or so I thought. The first tank was defeated horribly and had to run away with only one strip left. The other tank lost one health strip, but managed to defeat the invincible spearman. Oh, and have I mentioned the fact that the spearman was a regular and both tanks was veteran? :eek:
Originally posted by Tweedledum
You managed to get a catapult to damage something...

Mine never hit a goddamn thing :cry:

That's why the bombardment values of catapults, cannon, etc, need to be increased. Otherwise, these units are merely a luxury.
Catapults and Cannons like motor-scooters seem to be only good for two things - to not really work and then to be stolen from in front of your face.
The funnest thing in Civ 3 is stoling an enemy cannon and then sending it to a suicide attack! :D
Oh, and another use to cannons expect disbanding them for the shields or turning them into shaids - they can be a nice defensive unit, for weakening the attacker enemy.
It seems to me that most people expect a couple shots from a cannon to level a city so they can jsut waltz in and take it with a warrior. It obviously will never work that way. Sieges take time. The benefit of artillery (catapults,cannons,artillery) is that they can inflict damage without risking anything. If they were devastating in their ability to inflict damage, it would greatly unbalance the game.
I usually always make a couple of catapults or so when tech comes available. True, they usually never work, but sometimes (rarely) I have games where they work all the time (and when that happens, keep hearing "twilight zone" music in the background).

Can't seem to find a kyrptonite resource in civ3 ... hmmm?
"It seems to me that most people expect a couple shots from a cannon to level a city so they can jsut waltz in and take it with a warrior. It obviously will never work that way. Sieges take time. The benefit of artillery (catapults,cannons,artillery) is that they can inflict damage without risking anything. If they were devastating in their ability to inflict damage, it would greatly unbalance the game."

In 1.16, a few cannon shots could not level a city either. But bombardment worked ok in that version. I used catapults and cannon often. Cats used to hit towns about 1/2 the time, cannons about 2/3. With patch, I had 6 cats, got 2 hits total over 2 turns. What a waste of turns and shields.
When you think about what a catapult really was... lobbing rocks at men able to see them come, and dodge... or walls made of even bigger rocks.... it is amazing that they hit anything.
I find them useful, but not essential. Drag a dozen or so along, take the edge off the offending forces... the then finish them off with offensive units. My favorite story is when England sent 26 cav against one of my cities. I moved the arty there by rail, took one point of most of the units... significant, since the best defenders defend first, and they were the ones damaged.. and then finished them off with tanks. They never fired a shot. And it was all englands totl cav except 4 units... so said my spy.

Speaking of unbalanced attacks... JAG is currently runnig a trial about an attack in Afghanistan: Jets against mounted Cavalry.
Speaking of unbalanced attacks... JAG is currently runnig a trial about an attack in Afghanistan: Jets against mounted Cavalry. [/B]

And in another part of the world, tanks are taking on dudes throwing rocks at them!

They should have something like that in civ3. Some small dude with a sling shot that sometimes attacks 15 of your cities, everybody dies and you lose that game. Ya, that be cool.
Originally posted by Moulton
When you think about what a catapult really was... lobbing rocks at men able to see them come, and dodge... or walls made of even bigger rocks.... it is amazing that they hit anything.

Hrrrmmmm, welllllllllll, I guess you got that impression from reading comic books or watching Hollywood movies??? No offence meant, but historically, siege weapons were quite effective. The Romans used giant crossbows to shoot individual defenders, catapult like weapons to fire burning things over city walls, heavy stones against wooden city gates. Later, catapult-type weapons were often effectively used to destroy the roofs of buildings in castles; then burning stuff was fired into them. Try toughing out a siege when winter comes and there`s no roof over your head.......

Also, if you want to be historically correct, then catapults would ahve to represent the whole range of siege weapons and tactics, and big rams were quite effective against city walls - simply ram in the gates. Dig a tunnel under the walls, fill it with flamables, set fire to it - and see the ground cave in under the walls.......

Siege weapons do not make a town/castle roll over dead, but without them conquest of an ably defended stronghold was only possible via tricks, sruprise or treachery, never by pure force. e.g. 3 (IIRC) Knights held off an entire French army for days somewhere in southern England because they weren`t able to bring siege weapons over the channel quickly.....
Originally posted by vanx

And in another part of the world, tanks are taking on dudes throwing rocks at them!

And in the same part of the world, suicide bombers explode in the middle of cities, killing dozens.
They should have a suicide bomber unit in Civ III too, which kills one citizen. :mad:
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