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Taoist and Confucianist Missionaries


Oct 12, 2006
I don't know how else to explain it or where to report it.

The Taoist and Confucianist missionaries have the wrong sound for their spreading the religion. Each of the 2 uses the other one's sound file. In the assests folder if they are selected to be played, eg play the Confucianist missionary spread religion wave file, it plays correctly, and the same for the Taoist missionary.

The problem is that in the game, they don't play the correct sounds, so it seems that they must be hard game coded incorrectly or something like that. So if I want my Taoist missionary to spread Taoism it plays the Confucionist missionary sound and vice versa for the Confucianist. Its not a huge issue, and I have been told that I could simply rename the sound files, however I noticed that the problem doesn't lie in the sound files or the sound file names. It is deeper than this.
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