Team Python- Monarch Training!

Actually, jimmydean had to skip, so I'm up... AND HERE IT IS!!!!11!!1!ONE!11!!1!ELEVEN!

Pre-turn Evaluation: Concerning the barbarians to the NW, we're going to hit the Middle Ages before we can possibly take them out. It looks like we'll need to shore up our defenses in that area before the sudden horde does too much damage. We'll definitely want to take Astrakhan from the Russians before we finish this war, though - don't want it inside our territory, next to so many undeveloped cities.

So, my objectives are:
1) Give the Russians a whuppin'.
2) Get ready for a Barbarian invasion when we finish Construction.
3) Work on infrastructure and expand our borders.

IBT: Russian swordsman attacks, dies after causing 1 HP to our vet. swordie.

Turn 1 (320 AD): Karakorum finishes Swordsman, begins Settler (2).
We attack barb galley and win, we attack Russian swordie and win.

IBT: Two Russian archers attack and die; same with two barb galleys.

Turn 2 (330 AD): Ta-Tu finishes Swordsman, begins Temple (9).
Darhan finishes Swordsman, begins Granary (20).
Galley moved to Dalan to heal.
We kill a Russian swordie and archer; one of our swordsmen promote to Elite.

IBT: A Russian Swordsman and a barb Horseman both die against our forces.

Turn 3 (340 AD): Karakorum finishes Settler, begins Settler (2).
Ulaan finishes Swordsman, begins Courthouse (10, Aqueduct pre-build).
Hovd finishes Temple, begins Courthouse (20).
Choyb finishes Warrior, begins Walls (10).
Baruun-Urt finishes Warrior, begins Courthouse (80).

IBT: Russian swordsman spotted, but nothing happens.

Turn 4 (350 AD): Kazan finishes Swordsman, begins Granary (8).
Almarikh finishes Swordsman, begins Granary (9, probably swap to Aqueduct).
Swordsman attacks Vladivostok and kills spearman.
Next round we get Construction; forces en route to Erdenet to defend it.

IBT: Nothin' much.

Turn 5 (360 AD): Middle Ages! We're starting to really need libraries; scientists told to research Literature (6 turns).
Karakorum finishes Settler, begins Courthouse (6).
Swordie attacks Russian archer, wins and is promoted.
Swordie attacks Vladivostok and wins, taking the city! Still no Great Leaders, though...

IBT: Barb movement, but that's about it.

Turn 6 (370 AD): Nothing happens! At all! Just things moving around.

IBT: Same here. How boring.

Turn 7 (380 AD): Medina finishes Temple, begins Granary (30).
Fortify borders around Vladivostok. Swordie attacks Russian swordie and wins.
Swordie attacks Almarikh, kills spearman with no damage.

IBT: Movement, movement, movement. So far only 1 barbarian horsie has been seen.

Turn 8 (390 AD): Swordie wipes out Astrakhan and promotes to Elite.

IBT: Russians and Barbs advance...

Turn 9 (400 AD): Ereen founded between Erdenet and Daland. Set to Granary (60).
Killin' Russians, all the live long day. NO LEADERS. Bah.
There's no Russian soldiers in view, so I see what they're willing to offer in exchange for peace... and despite the fact that we've taken two of their cities, killed many of their troops with little loss, and are in position to completely demolish them, they're *still* not willing to give us Monarchy in exchange for peace. They're even leery of giving up cities - not that I was planning to do that, but just out of curiosity. Well, to heck with 'em. War gives us more chances for GLs. I consolidate our borders until the swordies on their way get there.

IBT: Barb horsie suicides against our swordsman, who promotes to Elite.

Turn 10 (410 AD): Mandalgovi finishes Warrior, begins Temple (60).
Batshireet founded north of Ereen. Set to Spearman (20). Planting it reveals a camp to the west; I send a swordie from Ereen to deal with it.

So, the whuppin' was duly given, the barbarian threat never appeared but we'll be ready if it does, our borders were increased, and we've got infrastructure buildings on the way. Not bad so far.

410 AD Save
PreTurn: Okay, great thinking :goodjob: Objectives is what you need to do!

Turn 1: OKay, settlers are needed for step 2, good!

Turn 2: We also need Temples for step 2!

Turn 3: This is an example of a good turn report, telling what's is finished, what is being started and how long it will take. Though I do not think we need a couthouse yet...

Turn 4: Granary is good...

Turn 5: Middle Ages!!!! Yes, GREAT pick for research, Libraries are DEFINETLY needed for Middle Age research, cost of the techs are high. Courthouse again is not our priority...

Turn 6: ...

Turn 7: Granary is good, better than Courthouses.

Turn 8: Great Victory! :D

Turn 9: Great! No pic?

Turn 10: Temple... good.

Overall: I checked the save and everthing is left in good shape. All of our citizens were happy THOUGH we were at 20% Luxury loosing 2gpt when we could have been in 0% making 14gpt.

This game is now getting interested, we are at about 700 points.

Oh and I screwed up the roster there, this is the right one;

KotatsuNeko- JUST PLAYED!
Jimmydean- UP NOW!

Inherited turn

Open up trade window with Russia, they have 14 cities, 1 gold, 0gpt and are up Monarchy. They lack Currency and Construction.
Once they hit the Middle Ages, the barb fest will start.

We are researching Literature, at 3.5.2, -2gpt, due in 1. As amirsan spotted, we can reduce that to 5.5.0, +14gpt.

There are a number of fortifed fully healed swords near Minsk, so I wake them, and move them towards the front.
We have 7 4/4 vets and 5 5/5 elites near Minsk.

Unfortunately, we don't have knowledge of Russia's land, so I don't know where to direct our attack. Based on what we know of our continent, and what little I can see of Russia, I'd guess that they have a large chunk of land heading off to the east.

I move a few swords around in the north, mainly pushing the fog back a little.

I pop rush two temples from size 2 cities that were at 19 shields left. Neither city was going to grow any further with their worked tiles, and it pushes the fog back.

Hit enter.

3/3 sword attacks 5/5 sword and dies, 1/5
Two more 3/3 swords move next to our stack of doom.
Russian galley starts moving up our eastern coast, probably to drop troops in our rear.
Barbarian horseman appears on the border of the fog.

1. 420AD
We learn the secret of Literature. I start on Feudalism, as that leads towards Chivalry where we get our UU.

Karakorum builds Courthouse, starts Library, due in 5.
Ta-Tu completes Temple, starts worker, due in 2. Sitting at size 6, neads Aqueduct, but we need workers. I'll build an Aqueduct after this worker completes.
Najran builds Temple, starts worker, due in 10.
Erdenet completes Temple, starts Barracks, due in 20.

5/5 sword kills 3/3 sword, 5/5
4/4 sword kills 3/3 sword, promotes, 4/5

Barb horse dies on 4/4 sword, 4/4
Russian galley heads back into the darkness.
Vikings build the Hanging Gardens

2. 430AD
Kazan builds Granary, starts Library, due in 10.

Raise the lux slider to 10% so that Karakorum doesn't riot.
We're at 638 gold, 3.6.1, -4gpt, Feudalism in 15. We could run more of a deficit, but it'd only gain us a few turns, and we'd be close to running out of gold.

5/5 sword dies to 3/3 spear, 2/3
4/4 sword kills 3/3 spear, 4/4
5/5 sword dies to 2/3 spear, promotes, 2/4
We have 9 swords in position to attack Minsk next turn. That one damn spear killed a pair of our elites, otherwise we would've had it this turn.

Russian galley comes back to visit.
Russian spear/settler moves through Minsk, and is sitting next to it. Free workers for us :)

3. 440AD
Ta-Tu completes worker, starts Aqueduct.
Dalandzadgad completes sword, starts Courthouse, due in 27.
Choybalsan completes Walls, starts spear, due in 20.
Rush Temple in Damascus, size 6, 20 shields left, 1 pop killed.

4/4 sword kills barb warrior, disperses camp, 4/4

5/5 sword kills 4/4 spear, 2/5
We capture Minsk
1/2 pop is resisting. The remaining citizen is unhappy, so I turn him into a taxman.
Minsk starts on spear, due in 20.

5/5 sword kills 3/3 spear, captures two slaves, 3/5

Sword moves onto mountain southeast of Minsk, and spots a Russian iron tile that is roaded up. I'll try and pillage it to deny Russia iron.

3 Russian swords appear out of the fog.

4. 450AD
Damascus completes Temple, starts Courthouse, due in 80. We'll need to partially rush this, as it needs a Courthouse badly, but at 1spt, it'll be working on this forever.
Rush Temple in Mecca, size 5->4.
Rush Barracks in Minsk. We need a place to heal our troops, and with only 1 pop and no built up Russian culture, this town shouldn't flip.

Move troops towards both fronts.

Russian galley keeps moving up to our coast and then leaving again. Perhaps the AI has it on bombard duties, and it can't?

5. 460AD
Mecca builds Temple, start Courthouse, due in 80, a forest chop will help, and then we can rush this as well.
Minsk produces Barracks, starts on spearman.

5/5 sword kills 3/3 sword, 3/5
Move 7 swords in position to assault the next Russian city next turn. Horses spotted in it's radius.

Russian archer joins the party.

6. 470AD
Karakorum completes Library, starts sword, due in 2 (16spt, we only waste 2 shields per sword).
Ulaanbaatar completes Aqueduct, starts Library, due in 10.

5/5 sword kills 3/3 archer, 4/5
5/5 sword kills 3/3 spear, 3/5
4/4 sword kills 3/3 spear, 4/4
We capture St. Petersburg
2/3 pop resisting.
Set to spear, due in 20.

We captured an iron hill here as well as horses, so hopefully Russia only has the two sources visible.

5 swords show up near St. Petersburg.

7. 480AD
St. Petersburg finishes resisting, and automatically riots. I turn all the workers into taxmen.
Whip Temple in Mandalgovi

4/4 sword dies to 3/3 sword, 1/3
4/4 sword kills 3/3 sword, 3/4
4/4 sword kills 3/3 sword, 1/4
4/4 sword dies to 3/3 sword, 3/3

3/4 sword kills 3/3 sword, promotes, 3/5
3/5 sword kills 3/3 archer, 2/5
2/5 sword kills 1/3 sword, 1/5
This was one lucky sword.

8. 490AD
Karakorum finishes sword, starts sword.
Medina finishes Granary, starts worker.
Damascus riots? I checked it last turn, and it looked fine.
Baghdad builds Temple, starts Courthouse.
Mandalgovi builds Temple, starts spear.

4/4 sword kills 3/3 spear, 4/4
4/5 sword kills 3/3 archer, 2/5


9. 500AD
Almarikh completes Aqueduct, starts Library.
Hovd completes Courthouse, starts sword
Vladivostik riots (my fault here, didn't notice it was size 3).

4/4 sword kills 3/3 spear, 2/4
4/4 sword kills 3/3 spear, 3/4
4/4 sword kills 3/3 spear, 4/4
We capture Smolensk
1/5 pop is resisting. The other 4 are unhappy, and are set to taxmen.
Production set to Harbor in order to link up our newly conquered towns with our core, and provide horses back home.

Even after capturing an additional 3 towns, and killing a dozen troops, Russia still won't give us Monarchy for peace. They'll give us a size two town, but we will take it in a few turns anyways, so it's pointless to make peace. We might as well just wipe them off the map, we have the troops, and they are pretty weak so far. We'll need more swords soon, but taking it slow should keep them alive long enough to capture Moscow, which I still haven't found.

Russian galley actually heads up the coast, so perhaps this time they are dropping troops.

10. 510AD
Karakorum finished sword, starts sword
Rush harbor in Smolensk

4/4 sword dies to 3/3 spear, 1/3
4/4 sword dies to 3/3 spear, 1/3
4/4 sword kills 1/3 spear, 4/4

I find Moscow, it's size 7, and has two wheat, at least 4 bg and iron in it's radius. Superb place for the FP.

5/5 galley kills 3/3 galley, 4/5

We're at 626 gold, 4.5.1, +1gpt, Feudalism in 5 (those libraries helped a lot!).

Russia is still up Monarchy, down Lit, Currency and Construction.
11 gold, 0gpt, 11 cities.
We can only see 6 cities, so almost half their land we don't even know about.

Once we learn Feudalism, we should move all the vet swords back to Minsk to upgrade to MI.

We have 7 swords near Moscow, it'll be two turns before they are all in place. We have two swords next to Riga, which is guarded by a lone spear. We have 2 swords and a warrior next to Sevastpol, which should have a single spear.
4 swords are currently healing in towns.

It might be advisable to hold off on taking anymore towns until we can upgrade our swords, as we are running a little low, and this early, that extra attack is amazing.

Starting next turn, we'll have horses in our main core, so we can switch the current sword builds to horsemen. Building a lot of 30 shield horse and upgrading them to keshiks is cheaper than building 60 shield keshiks.

There are a number of rushes that can be done by the next player if he wants to. Just be careful that you don't rush too much from one town, as you'll hit a rushing threshold, over which your city is unhappy for a long time.


Our core

Known Russian lands

Our score


The Top 5 cities shows that France is becoming a cultural presence, and might make life difficult for us if we take over French cities. Of course, we have to find them first ;)

The save
Hmm, I wonder where amirsan went. I am not suppost to take the save untill he post his critque.
Ive got it

Ill possibly do a few turns today and post it tommorow.
Cant Play turns at the moment

I am sorry to disapoint you, but I am afraid I would have to request a skip on my turns since I have a Paper due on Monday that needs to be done and taken care of.

Hopefully by the time I get the save again, my College life would be a little easyer. Also I am going to make an advanced adnouncement for December.

CivGeneral's Advanced Notice for skips
In the week of December 17th to the 21st, I will be having my final exams.

I will Not be advalible to play the save between December 14th trhough the 21st. I have given myself extra vacation time to use for studying.

After the 21st of December I will enter my Winter break and Ill be able to have plenty of free time :).

Skip CivGeneral from December 14th till December 21st
Originally posted by amirsan
yeah, school is realy beating both of us in the butt... :(

Especaly if it is your Freshman year in college. Oy, I hope that this "Freshman Crunch" would end soon.
guys, I have something to say... :(

You guys probably have been noticing that my work for you guys are not where it should be. I am not doing what I can do to teach you guys and becoming a failure. Probably all of you guys already know how to play Monarch and can even start emperor making this no use for me to say "good" for every turn you guys make.

So in conclusion I am resigning from this TDG and will not continue to critique turns in which I was not doing well at it either. School is not doing well for me either, at the time of starting this I had all the time in the world but now it is slowly fading away. I am sorry if I let you guys down but I had to let alot of things down in the past couple of days due to no time and lack of interest. If you guys beat emperor be sure to let me know becuase I care. :)

Message from the Emperor's Hand & Aspiering Emperor Player

Well, I can consider this as my Graduation from Monarch. Ill certanly let you know Amirsan when I do beat Emperor. Also, Ill be planing a Cheften TDG for the winter, after my College Exam of course ;).

I know that I've appreciated this game, and have moved on to playing solely on Monarch level now. Although this game didn't go as well as could be hoped, I enjoyed myself, and have now started to play in some other sgs.

Thanks amirsan for starting this game, and helping me to play an monarch level :D
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